When can you call Mau?

When can you call Mau?

If you experience bleeding from 16 weeks onwards you can contact the Maternity Assessment Unit (MAU) at the hospital where you are booked direct and a midwife will advise you and invite you to come in for assessment if appropriate. The MAU’s phone numbers are there 24/7 for advice.

What building is maternity at Leicester Royal?

The Orchard Birth Centre – Leicester Royal Infirmiry.

Where do you park for LRI maternity?

Leicester Royal Infirmary car park, which includes the multi-storey spaces, is accessible via Havelock Street and is open 24 hours a day. The car park is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please contact the Customer Service Centre on 0116 204 7888 for further assistance.

How many birthing partners can I have at Leicester Royal Infirmary?

Can my birth partner stay with me during labour? You can have one birthing partner with you for the duration of labour and a second can join you once you are in established labour. Your partner must wash their hands with soap and water often and they will be required to wear a face covering.

Who do you contact when pregnant?

See a GP or midwife as soon as you find out you’re pregnant. It’s important to see a midwife or GP as early as possible to get the pregnancy (antenatal) care and information you need to have a healthy pregnancy. If you’re not yet registered with a GP, use the service search to find a GP near you.

When should I ring my midwife when pregnant?

10 weeks pregnant
Your first appointment with a midwife should happen before you’re 10 weeks pregnant. If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant and have not seen a GP or midwife, contact a GP or midwife as soon as possible. They’ll see you quickly and help you start your pregnancy (antenatal) care.

Does Leicester Royal have a birthing pool?

Low risk women booked at the unit can choose to deliver in the Midwife led Birth Centre or have a water birth, in a birthing pool. This hospital also has a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

Is Leicester General Hospital closing?

Are you closing Leicester General Hospital? No. Leicester’s hospitals will become smaller and more specialised overall, to support the drive to deliver much more non-urgent care in the community.

How long can my partner stay after C section?

A c-section is major surgery and your partner will need time to recover. It can take at least 6 weeks, but they may have discomfort for much longer than this.

Do I call my GP if Im pregnant?

Contact your local midwife or GP Speak to your GP if you can’t self-refer or if you think your pregnancy may be high-risk. For example, if you have a long-term condition, such as diabetes, or you are over 40 years old. They will tell the midwifery team you are pregnant.

How do I get in contact with a midwife?

Your GP surgery or a children’s centre can put you in touch with your nearest midwifery service. You can find your nearest children’s centre through your local council. It’s best to see a midwife or GP as early as possible to get the information you need about having a healthy pregnancy.

What is the Hampton Suite Leicester Royal Infirmary?

Located at Leicester Royal Infirmary, The Hampton Suite is a Nursing and therapy lead ward focusing on promoting independence.

Does Glenfield Hospital have a maternity unit?

Pregnancy and Maternal – Glenfield Hospital – NHS.

What does Leicester hospital specializes in?

Leicester General Hospital specialise in renal care, orthopaedics, diabetes research, urology, maternity, brain injuries, and treatment for disabled children.

What does Leicester Royal Infirmary maternity unit do?

. Leicester Royal Infirmary Maternity Unit provides care for antenatal and postnatal women, and undertakes over 6,000 deliveries per year. The hospital has an Antenatal Clinic where high risk women can attend appropriate specialist clinics.

What are the visiting times at the Leicester Royal Infirmary?

This hospital also has a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Please note: Maternity Visiting times at the Leicester Royal Infirmary Maternity are 2-4pm and 6-8pm. Husbands / Partners and siblings of the baby can visit any time between 11am and 8.30pm.

How do I contact a Leicestershire hospital?

Visit www.leicestershospitals.nhs.uk/contact/ email or call our free phone number. PILS can also advise you about how to make a formal complaint about our service.

Do you provide special care for babies born in Leicestershire?

This opens in a new window. Some babies born each year in Leicestershire may need our special care. We provide intensive care, high dependency care and transitional care when it is needed. Our neonatal service also has ready access to the ECMO (extra corporeal membrane oxygenation) provision, which is based at Glenfield Hospital.
