What is the resistivity value of Nichrome?

What is the resistivity value of Nichrome?

Resistivity and Temperature Coefficient at 20 C

Material Resistivity ρ (ohm m)
Nichrome (Ni,Fe,Cr alloy) 100 x10-8
Constantan 49 x10-8
Carbon* (graphite) 3-60 x10-5
Germanium* 1-500 x10-3

What is the resistivity of Nichrome 1?

Nichrome, a non-magnetic alloy that is commonly made up of 80% nickel and 20% chromium, has a resistivity ranging from 1.10 × 10−6 Ωm to 1.50 × 10−6 Ωm (0.00000110 Ωm to 0.00000150 Ωm) and a very high melting point (~1400 °C).

What is the specific resistance of Nichrome wire?

Table of resistivity for common materials

Table of Electrical Resistivity for Common Materials
Material Electrical Resistivity at 20°C Ohm metres
Manganin 4.2 x 10-7
Nichrome 1.1 x 10-6
Nickel 7 x 10-8

Is Nichrome low resistivity?

Nichrome, a non-magnetic alloy of nickel and chromium has a high resistivity and resistance to oxidation at a high temperature. It is the most commonly used resistance wire for heating purposes.

What is resistivity of nichrome vary with temperature?

1 Answer. At low temperature (or zero), the resistivity increases as a higher power of temperature. Then, it linearly increases with increase in temperature.

Why the resistivity of nichrome is high?

Even at 0 K temperature the specific resistivity of Nichrome is very high and it varies linearly with increase in temperature. It has a high specific resistivity due to which it opposes the flow of current and hence it has a high resistance too. It is also very ductile so it can easily be drawn into thin wires.

How do you find the resistivity of nichrome wire?

Answer and Explanation: Given: ρ=1.5 × 10−6 Ωm ρ = 1.5 × 10 − 6 Ω m is the resistivity of nichrome.

What is the resistivity of nichrome wire at room temperature?

Resistive Properties of Materials

Material ρ (Ω⋅m) at 20°C Temperature coefficient (1/°C) x10-3
Manganin 4.82×10−7 0.002
Constantan 4.9×10−7 0.008
Mercury 9.8×10−7 0.9
Nichrome 1.10×10−6 0.4

What is the resistivity of nichrome at 20 degrees Celsius?

The resistance of a nichrome wire at 20 oC is 10 Ω .

What is the value of resistivity?

The unit of resistivity in the metre-kilogram-second system is ohm-metre. If distances are measured in centimetres, resistivity can be expressed in ohm-centimetre. At 200C (680 F), the resistivity of a very strong electrical conductor like hard-drawn copper is 1.77 x 10-8 ohm-metre or 1.77 x 10-6 ohm-centimetre.

What is SI unit of resistivity?

Q. SI unit of resistivity is ohm.

How do you calculate the resistivity of Nichrome wire?

Measured length of nichrome wire = 0.951 m. Resistance of wire = 29.3 – 0.02 = 29.1 Ω. The resistivity of nichrome is 1.06×10−6 Ω . Ensure the wire is completely straight with no kinks or curves.

How does resistivity of nichrome varies with temperature?

How do we calculate the resistivity?

Step 1: Identify the resistivity (ρ) , length (L), and radius (r) of the wire. Step 2: Calculate the cross-sectional area of the wire using the formula for the area of a circle: A=πr2 A = π r 2 . Step 3: Calculate the resistance (R) of the wire using the formula for resistance: R=ρLA R = ρ L A .

How does resistivity of nichrome vary with temperature?

What is the resistivity of nichrome?

Resistivity of Nichrome. The unit of resistivity is then ohm-meters (Ωm). Nichrome, a non-magnetic alloy that is commonly made up of 80% nickel and 20% chromium, has a resistivity ranging from 1.10 × 10 −6 Ωm to 1.50 × 10 −6 Ωm (0.00000110 Ωm to 0.00000150 Ωm) and a very high boiling point (~1400 °C).

What are the properties of nichrome wire?

Properties of Nichrome Wire Nichrome is an alloy used in various heating elements. Nichrome is basically a name given to nickel-chromium resistance wires. The ultimate tensile strength of nichrome is 105,000 PSI (Pounds per Square Inch) and yield strength is around 50,000 PSI.

What is the difference between nichrome and nickel?

Nickel is generally a silvery-white lustrous metal, and chromium, a steely-gray and hard metal. Nichrome, the alloy, is silvery-gray in color, resistant towards corrosion, and has a high melting point.

What is the specific heat of nichrome?

Density: 8400 kg/m 3; Melting point: 1400 o C; Specific Heat: 450 J/kg o C; Modulus of elasticity: 2.2 x 10 11; Uses of Nichrome. It is used in the explosives, fireworks, and ceramic making industry, as a heating element.