How do you get a YouTube ID?

How do you get a YouTube ID?

Find your YouTube user & channel IDs

  1. Sign in to YouTube.
  2. In the top right, click your profile picture Settings .
  3. From the left menu, select Advanced settings.
  4. You’ll see your channel’s user and channel IDs.

What is a video ID?

What is a YouTube video ID? A YouTube Video ID is a unique ID to identify a video which is uploaded to YouTube. A YouTube video ID is used to create a unique URL to show the video and can be used to embed a YouTube video on any website. It’s not possible to change a video ID of a video.

How do I change my YouTube channel ID?

Set up a custom URL

  1. Sign in to YouTube Studio.
  2. From the left Menu, select Customization.
  3. Under Channel URL, click Set a custom URL for your channel.
  4. You can choose the suggested custom URL based on your channel name or add extra letters or numbers to make your custom URL unique.

Why can’t I find my YouTube channel?

You may not find your channel at the top of the search results if: Your channel name is commonly used in video titles. You have a common channel name. Your YouTube channel is new.

What is a YouTube username?

Your YouTube username is what shows up in the URL when you’re on your channel page (usually. There is currently a bug that sometimes makes it not show up. See more here). When you first started your channel, it was a random string of characters.

Can I change my YouTube channel ID?

YouTube channels can change their custom URL up to 3 times per year. To change the URL of your YouTube channel, start by signing into YouTube Studio. From the left navigation menu select Customization, and then select Basic info. Under your current custom URL click DELETE.

How long are YouTube video IDs?

11 characters
YouTube ID is a string of 11 characters, which consists of both upper and lower case alphabets and numeric values. It is used to define a YouTube video uniquely.

How do I start making YouTube videos?

  1. Create a YouTube Video Strategy. Choose the right topic (for the right audience)
  2. Make sure your video is found on YouTube.
  3. Find YouTube ideas and topics.
  4. Understand YouTube equipment for beginners.
  5. Learn the first YouTube video you should make.
  6. Set up your video recording.
  7. Record your desktop.
  8. Edit your video.

How do you get 100 subscribers on YouTube?

How to Get Your First 100 Subscribers on YouTube

  1. Find Your Niche.
  2. Create a Trailer for Your Channel.
  3. Write a Compelling “About” Section.
  4. Promote the Channel on Your Website.
  5. Use Keywords in Your Video Titles.
  6. Add a Watermark to Your Videos.
  7. Embed Videos in Blog Posts.
  8. Have an Upload Schedule.