How do you find the broadcast address of a subnet?

How do you find the broadcast address of a subnet?

The broadcast address of any IP address can be calculated by taking the bit compliment of the subnet mask, sometimes referred to as the reverse mask and then applying it with a bitwise OR calculation to the IP address in question. Example: If the IP address is 192.168. 12.220 and subnet mask as 255.255.

How do I find the broadcast address in Linux?

Using the ifconfig Command The system will display all network connections – including connected, disconnected, and virtual. Look for the one labeled UP, BROADCAST, RUNNING, MULTICAST to find your IP address. This lists both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

How do you find a broadcast address?

Determine the broadcast address for your IP address. The lowest address of the subnet your IP address falls in is the network address. The highest address in the subnet your IP address falls in is the broadcast address. Our example IP address 210.1. 1.100 falls in the 210.1.

How do I find a broadcast address from an IP address?

What is the broadcast address of a subnet?

The broadcast address Each network or subnet has a dedicated broadcast address, through which all users of the network can broadcast. In a broadcast address, all the host bits are set to the binary value 1, so if all host bits are set to the value 0, this is the subnet address. Example: IPv4 address

What is the IP address of an Ethernet broadcast?

This IP address is always Technically, this broadcast should be sent to all the IP addresses that exist. However, it actually serves as an address for the broadcast within the network. This destination is always in its own network and can therefore be implemented in an Ethernet broadcast.

How to get the broadcast address of the inaddr_broadcast interface?

Instead, since INADDR_BROADCAST is not routed anyway, you can achieve almost the same thing by iterating over each interface, and sending the packet to its broadcast address. For example, assuming that your networks have (/24) masks, the broadcast addresses are and

What is the subnet mask of the IP address in Linux? is the IP address and 24 is the subnet mask. The /24 corresponds to the subnet mask The IP address consists of 4 decimals – called octets – which are separated by points.