Why smoking should be banned in restaurants and pubs?

Why smoking should be banned in restaurants and pubs?

There are three main facts about what smoking does to your health: Tobacco smoke causes lung cancer, heart disease and lung and bronchial infections. Smoke-free laws protect employees and customers from the harms of passive smoking in the workplace.

Is smoking allowed in Irish pubs?

Smoking in Ireland is banned fully in the general workplace, enclosed public places, restaurants, bars, education facilities, healthcare facilities and public transport.

When was smoking banned in restaurants in Ireland?

29 March 2004
On 29 March 2004, Ireland became the first country in the world to implement legislation creating smoke-free enclosed workplaces that included bars and restaurants.

When was smoking banned in pubs Republic of Ireland?

March 29, 2004
On March 29, 2004, the Irish government introduced the first national comprehensive legislation banning smoking in all workplaces, including bars and restaurants. This study examines the impact of this legislation on air quality in pubs and on respiratory health effects in bar workers in Dublin.

Should smoking be banned at restaurants?

Banning smoking in all public restaurants violates this principle and jeopardizes our freedom. Smoking should not be banned in all restaurants. A ban on smoking imposes unnecessary governmental interference in private business, affects business owners negatively, and discriminates against smokers.

Why should we not ban smoking?

Such a ban will trigger criminal penalties, which will disproportionately impact people of color, as well as prioritize criminalization over public health and harm reduction. A ban will also lead to unconstitutional policing and other negative interactions with local law enforcement.

What effect did the smoking ban in Ireland have?

Despite early scepticism, it soon became obvious that the ban had been a huge success. Cigarette sales fell by 60pc in bars and it was reported that 7,000 people gave up smoking in the first 12 months after the ban came into effect. But enraged vintners continued to decry it as unworkable.

Who banned smoking in pubs?

The legislation was passed by the House of Lords, allowing a total smoking ban in enclosed public places to come into force in England.

Why was the smoking ban introduced?

Smoking bans are usually enacted in an attempt to protect non-smokers from the effects of secondhand smoke, which include an increased risk of heart disease, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and other diseases.

Should cigarette smoking be banned pros and cons?

List of Pros of Smoking Bans

  • They reduce the risk of second-hand smoke.
  • They lessen air pollution.
  • They improve work productivity.
  • They reduce healthcare costs.
  • They decrease the possibility of fires.
  • They reduce wastes.
  • They contribute to lower energy consumption and personal expenses.

When did pubs stop smoking?

Ten years ago – on 1 July 2007 – it became illegal to smoke in any pub, restaurant, nightclub, and most workplaces and work vehicles, anywhere in the UK.

Why should cigarettes be banned?

Apart from reducing human suffering, abolishing the sale of cigarettes would result in savings in the realm of healthcare costs, increased labour productivity, lessened harms from fires, reduced consumption of scarce physical resources, and a smaller global carbon footprint.

Why cigarettes should be banned?

Using Tobacco Can Lead to Major Illness Along with these life threatening diseases, tobacco use can also lead to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), high blood pressure, and premature heart attacks. Tobacco and the carcinogens that come along with the product can lead to many health problems in the future.

Why smoking cigarettes should not be banned?

What are the advantages of banning smoking?

The benefits of banning smoking in the workplace include: Protecting nonsmokers from the side effects of secondhand smoke. Increased smoking cessation among tobacco users. Preventing nonsmoking workers from picking up the habit.

What are some reasons not to smoke?

10 Reasons to Quit Smoking

  • Smoking Kills.
  • You’re Risking Lung Cancer and Other Respiratory Diseases.
  • You May Have Dangerous Circulation Issues.
  • Ingesting Deadly Carcinogens.
  • Smoking Is Linked to Premature Aging.
  • You’re Exposing Loved Ones to Secondhand Smoke.
  • Smoking Carries a Heavy Social Stigma.

What are cons of banning smoking?

List of Cons of Smoking Bans

  • They take away freedom from people. Some critics see smoking bans as a violation on one’s personal liberty.
  • They can affect businesses.
  • They are not effective.
  • They drive people to smokers to smoke somewhere else.
  • They result to lesser tax revenues for the government.

Are Irish pubs cleaner since smoking was banned indoors?

Since Ireland banned indoor smoking, pubs are “much cleaner,” says bartender Trish Morierty. In the tiny town of Milltown in southwest Ireland, bartender Trish Morierty says smokers at pubs will still smoke. “I’m still a smoker, unfortunately. Smoking less,” says Morierty.

Should smoking be banned in hotels in Ireland?

Public opinion is in favour of the bans on smoking imposed in Ireland. Currently, Irish law prohibits smoking fully in the general workplace, enclosed public places, restaurants, bars, education facilities, healthcare facilities and public transport. Smoking rooms are permitted in hotels.

Should smoking be banned in restaurants in Europe?

The public, according to a Flash Eurobarometer poll conducted by the Gallup Organisation in 2008 for the European Commission, is in favour of a full ban on smoking in restaurants, bars, pubs, clubs, offices and other indoor workplaces.

Where will smoking be banned in the UK?

Smoking outside bars, restaurants and offices will banned and employers will be encouraged not to provide smoking areas outside offices and factories for employees. Smoke-free areas will be created in al fresco dining areas while smoke-free environments will also be created in carparks, play parks and at school gates.