Why did they change the ending of I Am Legend?

Why did they change the ending of I Am Legend?

Unfortunately, as revealed by I Am Legend director Francis Lawrence, the reason the ending was changed to the happier one seen in theaters is due to intensely negative reactions to the ending where Neville has his villainous realization from test audiences.

Are there two versions of I Am Legend?

Test audiences can shift the course of a film like I Am Legend in subtle, but fundamental ways. The difference in the two versions of the film’s ending proves that, as all it took was a couple of scenes, and a rewrite reframing the finale, to totally change just how the film would be seen in the long run.

Were there two endings to I Am Legend?

Two endings of I Am Legend The movie had an alternate ending as well as the one which was theatrically released. In the theatrical release, Will Smith’s character, Robert Neville dies along with the Darkseekers while trying to protect the cure for the widespread virus.

What does the butterfly mean in I Am Legend?

Butterfly. Robert sees a butterfly tattoo on Anna as one of the infected is breaking down the glass that is keeping them from being killed by the mob in front of them. The butterfly is a symbol for Robert’s past, present, and future all colliding. It is a divine moment in which his purpose and destiny are clear.

Are there two endings to I Am Legend?

What happens in the alternate ending of I Am Legend?

By contrast, the alternate ending to I Am Legend has Neville learn that the reason the vampires-like creatures are attacking his home is that the creatures’ leader is the significant other to the latest “test subject” that Neville had kidnapped in order to try and create a cure.

Are the different versions of I Am Legend the same?

It should be noted that both versions of I Am Legend are pretty much the same, up to one crucial sequence.

Will Smith’s’I Am Legend’has an alternate ending?

Will Smith’s 2007 box office hit I Am Legend had an ending that divided audiences, but an alternate ending exists that does more justice to the book. Will Smith’s 2007 box office hit I Am Legend had an ending that divided audiences, but an alternate ending exists that does more justice to the book.

Can test audiences change the course of a film like ‘I Am Legend?

Test audiences can shift the course of a film like I Am Legend in subtle, but fundamental ways. The difference in the two versions of the film’s ending proves that, as all it took was a couple of scenes, and a rewrite reframing the finale, to totally change just how the film would be seen in the long run.