What language do they speak on Vulcan?

What language do they speak on Vulcan?

The Vulcan language is spoken by the Vulcans, obviously. Like Chinese, it has both simplified and more formal written scripts. One written version of the language looks like musical notes. Just as the Klingon language was designed to express the Klingon’s warlike nature, the Vulcan language is designed to be “logical.”

What is the Vulcan alphabet?

What is the Vulcan Script? (Definition) The Vulcan script writing is a kind of calligraphic alphabet used by an alien species in the Star Trek universe. The correspondence with the 26 letters of the Latin/English alphabet proposed on dCode is based on few reliable sources.

What does Ashayam mean in Vulcan?

Ashayam – beloved – beloved person, used as a term of endearment, mainly in fanfiction. Kah-if-far – it is time – a High Vulcan expression; it is the opening phrase of the koon-ut-kalifee ceremony meaning “it is time” (TOS Amok Time)

How do Vulcans speak English?

Janeway explained that the universal communicators in the commbadges she and her crew was wearing was the cause. It’s possible that with Picard and his crew being present that their commbadges translate, causing the Vulcans to hear Cochrane speak Vulcan and everyone else to hear English.

Who invented Vulcan language?

Linguist Marc Okrand invented the Klingon and Vulcan languages as heard in the Star Trek films and TV series, beginning with a Vulcan-dialogue scene in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan in 1982. He published the first edition of The Klingon Dictionary in 1985.

Can you be fluent in Klingon?

It is estimated that approximately 20-30 people in the world, including Speers, are fluent speakers of Klingon, with another few thousand that are familiar enough that they can pick out words when they hear it spoken.

Do Vulcans say thank you?

The most common Vulcan word associated with the FSE concept of “thanks” is the verb ITAREN, which is based on the stem ITAR.

What is Spock’s native language?

Klingon language

Created by Marc Okrand, James Doohan, Jon Povill
Setting and usage Star Trek films and television series (TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise, and Discovery), the opera ʼuʼ, the play A Klingon Christmas Carol, and The Big Bang Theory
Users (Around a dozen fluent speakers cited 1996)

Is there a Vulcan language?

There was also a fanzine by this name. The most extensive and influential Vulcan language developed by fans in the 1960s was that of linguist Dorothy Jones Heydt. It included roots, grammatical rules and syntax, and was used in her own stories and articles, then picked up by a number of other fan authors.

Can Vulcans remember traumatic memories?

( TOS: ” Spock’s Brain “) Unlike most humanoid species, traumatic memories were not only psychologically disturbing to Vulcans, but had physical consequences as well. The Vulcan brain, in reordering neural pathways, could literally lobotomize itself.

How were musical notes written in the Vulcan language?

The primary version resembled terrestrial musical notes and was written in vertical columns running top-to-bottom, left-to-right. The primary Vulcan script consisted of a central staff, along which spirals, long and short dashes, and dots were written. ( ENT: ” The Seventh “) Some Vulcan Offshoots cultures used musical notes as words.

What did the Vulcan script look like?

The primary Vulcan script consisted of a central staff, along which spirals, long and short dashes, and dots were written. ( ENT: ” The Seventh “) Some Vulcan Offshoots cultures used musical notes as words.