What is the work values inventory test?

What is the work values inventory test?

The WVI is a self-administered, self-scored, and self-interpreted measure of six workplace values. It is a career exploration and job selection tool that helps career counselors and human resource professionals.

What is value assessment test?

Values Assessment. The Values Test can help you learn more about your underlying work needs and motivations, and can help you decide what is important to you in a job. The test does this by asking you to rank different aspects of work that represent six underlying work values.

What is a values based assessment?

Values based recruitment (VBR) is an approach to recruitment which will help you find people whose personal values match with your organisation. VBR can be delivered in a number of ways, for example through: pre-screening assessments.

What is values assessment Test?

How do you make your work values work?

Matching your values with your work

  1. Understand why your workplace supports a certain value; ask your supervisor to explain how teamwork helps the company reach its goals.
  2. Look for ways to learn and grow; you’re more likely to value teamwork if you have teamwork skills.

What is values Assessment Test?

What are my values questions?

One of the easiest ways to identify values is to ask yourself questions like:

  • What is important to me?
  • What would a perfect day look like? What values are represented in this choice?
  • What do I spend my free time on?
  • What do I enjoy doing?
  • What would I do if there were no limitations?

What is a work values test?

Usually a work values test presents you with a number of statements to determine what your work values and motivation are. Test yourself! A work values test can be a very useful exercise to determine your own work values.

What is a values assessment test?

Values Assessment. The Values Test can help you learn more about your underlying work needs and motivations, and can help you decide what is important to you in a job. The test does this by asking you to rank different aspects of work that represent six underlying work values.

What is included in the career values test?

It includes values clarification exercises and an in-depth analysis of your current career situation. The Career Values Test measures 10 work values: service orientation, team orientation, influence, creativity, independence, excitement, personal development, financial rewards, security, prestige.

Why is it important to determine your work values and motivation?

Your work values and motivation are important for chosing a profession and for your performance in a position. Determining the values that are important to you in your work and keeping them in the back of your mind, will make it easier to decide if a job is a good fit for you.