What is the use of delay lines?

What is the use of delay lines?

Delay lines provide the ability of controlling the time delay of a signal. Delay lines are basic and important elements that can find applications in radar, communications, and signal processing. In general, there are two types of delay lines: electrical delay lines and optical delay lines.

What is a delay line?

Definition of delay line electronics. : a device put in series with a transmission line to introduce a time lag in signals traversing it.

What are acoustic delay lines?

In an acoustic delay line electrical signals are converted into a pattern of acoustic (sound) waves that travel through a medium between a transmitter and receiver.

How does mercury delay line work?

Mercury-filled delay line provides memory for first stored-program computer. A delay line stores information in serial form by continuously circulating data through a liquid or solid medium. A piezo-electric transducer converts a digital electronic signal into a series of pulses that travel through the line.

What are the types of delay line?

There are two basic delay line types: fixed and variable.

  • Fixed delay lines can delay signals by a time interval set by the manufacturer. For fixed delay lines, the delay time is the only delay time that can be set.
  • Variable delay lines can delay signals between two values in a specified range.

Why and where is delay line used in CRT?

A delay line is placed between output of vertical amplifier and y input of cathode ray tube, to delay incoming unknown signal. Purpose of delay line is to synchronize unknown signal with sweep signal such that complete signal portion will be displayed without any loss.

How do you delay an RF signal?

This has to be one of the simplest methods. 2E8 * 1E-6 = 200 meters of coiled fiber or coax, to delay the RF signal by 1 usec. One reason for introducing delays like this might be to tune the transmit antennas in a single frequency network, I would think.

When was mercury delay lines invented?

Eckert & Mauchly Invent the Mercury Acoustic-Delay-Line Memory, the first Reliable Computer Memory System. was granted in 1953.

What is tap delay line?

A tapped delay line (TDL) is a delay line with at least one “tap”. A delay-line tap extracts a signal output from somewhere within the delay line, optionally scales it, and typically sums with other taps to form a TDL output signal. A tap may be interpolating or non-interpolating.

Where delay line is used in CRT?

How is signal delay measured?

You measure the delay in the test cable connecting the DUT1 output to the oscilloscope. You measure the total delay from the DATA1 and NDATA1 inputs to the DUT1 output and through the cable to the oscilloscope. The data from these measurements let you calculate the signal delay through the IC.

What is the difference between MTI and pulse Doppler radar?

MTI RADAR uses low pulse repetition frequency while pulse Doppler uses high and medium pulse repetition frequency. MTI RADAR has no range ambiguity while range ambiguity may occur in pulse Doppler.

Why is MTI delay line canceller called a time domain filter?

The delay-line canceller acts as a filter which rejects the d-c component of clutter. Because of its periodic nature, the filter also rejects energy in the vicinity of the pulse repetition frequency and its harmonics. It is assumed that the gain through the delay-line canceller is unity.

Did a Williams Kilburn tube store bytes?

Williams-Kilburn tube from an IBM 701 computer Electrostatic memory tubes could store 512 to 2048 bits of data as dots on the screen.

What was before Ram?

Delay Line Memory: How Computers Remembered Before RAM.