What is the primary difference between CR and DR?

What is the primary difference between CR and DR?

DR uses flat panel detectors based on direct or indirect conversion of X-rays to charge, which is then processed to produce a digital image. CR uses cassette-based phosphor storage plates (PSP), which are then scanned by the computerized system into a digital format for image processing, archiving, and presentation.

What kind of phosphor is gadolinium?

An alternative is gadolinium oxysulphide, a phosphor commonly used for film–screen radiography.

What does a TFT do in radiography?

The TFT arrays are as large as the area that is to be imaged. The function of the TFTs is to amplify the electrical signal produced by the conversion of light from the photodiodes, and to store it in the form of an electrical charge. When a high potential difference is applied to the TFT, it releases the charge.

Does CR have better spatial resolution than DR?

Unlike CR, spatial resolution is pixel limited in DR; the size and number of pixels in the matrix are directly related to the spatial resolution that can be produced in a digital image. Therefore, the smallest resolvable object cannot be smaller than the pixel size (Bushberg, 2012).

Which is better between the conventional computed and digital radiography in terms of image acquisition?

Radiography examination and interpretation times may vary based on crowding and the care unit the patient presents. We think that interpretation of digital radiograms with the help of a mobile device would eliminate these difficulties. Digital CR provides better image quality by conventional radiography.

What is gadolinium break?

The gadolinium break is a real discontinuity observed in many properties: ionic radii, formation constants of complexes, and solvent extraction equilibria. The sawtooth pattern of values of IE3 and ΔHat with atomic number for the lanthanoids is related to the quantum number L of the atomic species.

Why is cesium iodide used as a detector material in fluoroscopy?

Using cesium iodide as a detector material reduces exposure and lowers the patient’s dose. It also helps improve image resolution.

What are the two types of cassette less digital imaging systems?

There are two types of digital imaging systems used in intraoral radiography – computed radiography (CR) and direct radiography (DR). CR uses a photostimulable phosphor (PSP) plate to capture the image.

Which radiograph exhibits the best detail?


Term The radiographic image exhibits all the details of the anatomical part. Definition False
Term Resolution is improved when Definition SID increases
Term Which radiograph exhibits the best detail? Definition a PA chest radiograph for evaluation of the heart at 72in

What benefits do you see as most important in using digital versus conventional imaging How would you explain the benefits to your patient?

The Benefits of Digital Imaging and Impressions Impressions are stored electronically for easy access. Issues may be diagnosed immediately, as no time is needed for processing images. Precise imaging allows for improved fit of restorations. Saves time for the patient and dentist.

Why is gadolinium ferromagnetism?

Gadolinium reacts with atmospheric oxygen or moisture slowly to form a black coating. Gadolinium below its Curie point of 20 °C (68 °F) is ferromagnetic, with an attraction to a magnetic field higher than that of nickel. Above this temperature it is the most paramagnetic element.

Is gadolinium considered a heavy metal?

Gadolinium – a silvery-white, rare-earth heavy metal – is one of 15 metallic chemical elements in what is known as the lanthanide series at the bottom of the periodic table.

What is the main use of gadolinium oxysulfide?

The main use of gadolinium oxysulfide is in ceramic scintillators. Scintillators are used in radiation detectors for medical diagnostics. The scintillator is the primary radiation sensor that emits light when struck by high energy photons.

Where can I find more information about iodine and gadolinium contrast media?

The InsideRadiology website contains further separate information on both iodine (see Iodine-containing contrast medium) and gadolinium (see Gadolinium Contrast Medium ). These information items include details of the risks and benefits involved for those with reduced kidney function and normal kidney function.

What is terbium activated gadolinium oxysulfide?

Terbium – activated gadolinium oxysulfide is frequently used as a scintillator for x-ray imaging. It emits wavelengths between 382-622 nm, though the primary emission peak is at 545 nm. It is also used as a green phosphor in projection CRTs, though its drawback is marked lowering of efficiency at higher temperatures.

How common is NSF with gadolinium contrast?

If you need to have gadolinium contrast, the radiologist will use one of these lower risk types of gadolinium contrast. It is now thought that less than 1 in 100 people with severe kidney function impairment who have these lower-risk types of gadolinium contrast will develop NSF.