What is the meaning of Plato Symposium?

What is the meaning of Plato Symposium?

The Symposium (Ancient Greek: Συμπόσιον, Sympósion [sympósi̯on]) is a philosophical text by Plato, dated c. 385–370 BC. It depicts a friendly contest of extemporaneous speeches given by a group of notable men attending a banquet.

What definition of philosopher is given in Plato’s Symposium?

This love of the truth is what distinguishes the philosopher. This is what is known as Platonic Love: a love that unites souls by uniting them with the truth. Conclusion. The Symposium is among the most beautiful of the philosophical dialogues written by Plato, and it is very readable.

What is soul according to Diotima?

For Diotima, this dynamic, changing quality of the soul leads her to a very different conclusion than Plato’s: Unlike the gods, the human soul is not immortal, though we fervently want it to be. And it is this doomed passion for immortality that inspires the “prizing” of our children.

What Socrates says about love?

Socrates states that, “Love is the conciousness of a need for a good not yet acquired or possessed.” In other words we want what we do not have, and at times cannot have. Love for Socrates is a superficial occurrence and only based on the things in life that seem to be pleasing to the eye.

What does Diotima assert as the ultimate goal of love?

Diotima asserts that human beings always desire to have beautiful and pleasurable things, and this constitutes love (Rouse 101). Human beings are willing to sacrifice themselves to obtain their desires, since love is always wanting and pursing nifty things.

What does Socrates say about desires?

Socrates says that someone “who has a desire desires what is not at hand and not present, what he does not have, and what he is not, and that of which he is in need; for such are the objects of desire and love.” (200e2-5) In order to desire something, I must also lack it.

Quels sont les rôles du banquet de Platon?

Dans le Banquet de Platon, les convives d’une réception sont invités à prononcer à tour de rôle un discours qui soit un éloge à l’Amour ( Éros ). Vient le tour de Socrate, l’orateur le plus important.

Pourquoi Socrate préfère-t-il la rhétorique?

Certes Socrate confesse volontiers sa sensibilité aux charmes de la rhétorique 22 et il propose parfois de transformer la rhétorique pour la mettre au service de l’expression de la vérité 23. Mais quand il a le choix des armes, le philosophe préfère toujours le dialogue sous la forme de courtes questions et de courtes réponses (βραχυλογία) 24.

Quelle est la différence entre Socrate et Platon?

En effet, c’est en vertu de la leçon de communication que Socrate incite son public, et que Platon incite son lecteur, à faire une interprétation judicieuse de la théorie d’ eros.

Qui est le porte-parole de Socrate?

Diotime en tant que prêtresse et en tant que sophiste peut être considérée comme le porte-parole, non de Socrate, mais de son auditoire. 22Diotime et son discours sont donc des objets littéraires et philosophiques ambivalents.