What is the difference between steeper and flatter?

What is the difference between steeper and flatter?

Flatter demand curve of elasticity of demand shows that slightly change in the price of the commodity lead to a larger change in the quantity demanded. Steeper demand curve of elasticity of demand shows that large change in the price of the commodity lead to a smaller change in the quantity demanded.

What is a flatter slope?

Suppose the slope of a line were to decrease. Then it would get flatter. These conditions are true whether or not the slope was positive or negative to begin with. A higher positive slope means a steeper upward tilt to the line, while a smaller positive slope means a flatter upward tilt to the line.

What does it mean when a slope is steeper?

adjective. A steep slope rises at a very sharp angle and is difficult to go up.

What is the opposite of steep slope?

Selected answer: gentle slope.

Is Shallow opposite of steep?

Neither shallow nor gentle are the opposite of steep, but rather words we make do with because there is no actual word for what we mean; when asked the opposite of gentle or shallow we wouldn’t naturally say steep, but harsh or deep respectively.

Does higher slope mean steep?

The greater the slope, the steeper the line. The next example shows a line with a negative slope. Find the slope of the line graphed below.

What is the trend of the graph if the slope is positive?

If a line has a positive slope (i.e. m > 0), then y always increases when x increases and y always decreases when x decreases. Thus, the graph of the line starts at the bottom left and goes towards the top right.

What does lesser slope mean?

A higher positive slope means a steeper upward tilt to the line, while a smaller positive slope means a flatter upward tilt to the line.

Is a higher slope steeper?

The greater the slope, the steeper the line. The next example shows a line with a negative slope.

What is the opposite of steep math?

opposite of steep slope. small slope. Explanation: If you’re describing a graph, then you can simply say “small slope”, meaning that the slope has a small value. It’s a very common way of saying it in math.

What is opposite to steep slope?

What is another word for less steep?

What is another word for not steep?

gradual gentle
moderate slight
easy imperceptible

What does a steeper graph means?

A steeper slope in a graph means that the rate of change is faster.

What are positive and negative slopes?

If the line is sloping upward from left to right, so the slope is positive (+). If the line is sloping downward from left to right, so the slope is negative (-). In our pizza example, a positive slope tells us that as the number of toppings we order (x) increases, the total cost of the pizza (y) also increases.

Is a smaller slope steeper?

A higher positive slope means a steeper upward tilt to the line, while a smaller positive slope means a flatter upward tilt to the line. A negative slope that is larger in absolute value (that is, more negative) means a steeper downward tilt to the line.

What are the different types of slopes on a graph?

Slopes come in 4 different types: negative, positive, zero, and undefined. as x increases. The slope of a line can also be interpreted as the “average rate of change”.

What is a concave slope?

A terrain feature that is rounded inward like the inside of a bowl, i.e. goes from more steep to less steep.

Antonyms for steep slope include gentle incline, gentle slope, gradual incline, gradual slope and level ground. Find more opposite words at wordhippo.com!

Why is the slope of a steep curve more than a flat?

Hence ch. in y is more in steep curve rather than in flat curve. So slope of steep curve is more. It indicates inelastic nature. Steeper curve makes a greater angel and hence has a greater slope than a flatter curve.

What is the steepness of a graph?

The slope IS the steepness of the graph: it is the measure of how quickly the height of the graph (the y-coordinate) changes with respect to the change of the horizontal measure (the x-coordinate). Which is steeper? If line p has a slope of 2/4 and line r has a slope of -2 , which of the two lines is steeper? Explain your answer.

What is the difference between shallower and steeper slope?

Steeper slope of line is reverse of shallower slope . steeper the slope of line it makes more angle with x axis.