What is the difference between PEG and G tube?

What is the difference between PEG and G tube?

Though both terms are often used interchangeably, g-tube implies tube placed in the stomach only while peg tube may be tube placed in the stomach, duodenum, and jejunum. A gastrostomy, G, or PEG tube is always in the stomach. A gastrojejunostomy consists of two tubes in one.

What is G tube balloon filled with?

The end of the tube inside the stomach has a small balloon filled with water. This keeps the tube in place. You must check the balloon every 7 days. This is to make sure it holds the amount of water prescribed by your child’s healthcare provider.

Can you eat with a Gtube?

It is normally okay to eat and drink if you needed the PEG tube because of: Weight loss. Not being able to gain weight. Just in case you are not able to eat enough.

How do I know my Gtube size?

Sizing for G-tubes All G-tubes are sized by the width of the tube, which is measured using the French scale, across the diameter of the tube. G-tube buttons require a second measurement, in centimeters, based on the length of the tube’s stem (the part of the tube that is placed in the stoma or tube site).

What happens if G tube balloon deflated?

If the volume retrieved is less the second time, the balloon is likely damaged, and the tube will need to be replaced. If the volume retrieved is more than what you originally put in the balloon, and it looks like stomach contents or food, this means the balloon is broken and the tube will need to be replaced.

How often should a G tube be changed?

Gastrostomy tubes vary in the length of time to replacement. Most original gastrostomy tubes last up to 12 months and balloon tubes last up to 6 months.

Do all PEG tubes have a balloon?

Most, but not all, have a balloon on the end of the G-tube, located inside the stomach, which when inflated with sterile or distilled water acts to keep the tube in place and prevent it from falling out or accidently becoming dislodged.

Can you put saline in G tube balloon?

While the kits seem to have all the needed tools for replacement, they do not have an appropriate liquid to fill the balloon. Anecdotally, we have been told that saline degrades the balloon, leading to G-tube failure, and that balloons should be filled with either distilled water or tap water.

Can nurses replace G tubes?

Gastrostomy tube replacement requires a medical order as well as training beyond what is typically offered in basic nursing programs. This education should be consistent with established institutional protocols and may involve demonstration of competency in performance of the procedure.

What happens when body rejects feeding tube?

If the person is totally unable to eat and does not use a feeding tube, the body will slowly shut down over a period of one to two weeks. Comfort measures are given, so the patient does not suffer, and hospice care can help the patient and family.