What is the cut off time for Western States 100?

What is the cut off time for Western States 100?

Runners must finish within the 30-hour cutoff time to be included as an official finisher of the Run.

Do you have to qualify for Western States?

Do I need to qualify prior to entering? Yes, the qualifying window closes in early November of the year preceding the Run. You must run a qualifier from our qualifying list during the qualifying period for the year you wish to run.

What is UTMB Qualifier?

UTMB Qualifying Points Runners who haven’t collected Running Stones can enter the lottery if they have the required number of qualifying points from no more than two races.

How hard is it to get into Western States 100?

That leaves about 270 fiercely contested lottery spots. Every year a runner wishes to enter the lottery, he or she must complete one of the more than 90 qualifying races, all trail 100-milers and 100Ks “of significant difficulty.”

How hard is the Western States 100?

It’s the combination of the heat and the fact that most runners are traveling on the hardest part of the course during the afternoon hours that can be debilitating. Immediately following the long descent is the very steep climb from the Swinging Bridge to Devil’s Thumb, a total of 1600 feet in 1.5 miles.

How do you qualify for Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc?

I would like to participate in the UTMB® Mont-Blanc in 2023, how do I go about it? Only runners who have acquired at least 1 Running Stone in the last two years are eligible to enter the OCC, CCC® or UTMB® lottery. They must also own a valid UTMB® Index for the distance of their choice.

How do you qualify for Mont Blanc Ultra?

To qualify for a place at the UTMB World Series Finals in Chamonix, runners must compete in at least one of the 30 UTMB World Series Events or one of the three UTMB World Series Majors, where they can collect Running Stones for use in the lottery or be rewarded for their performance with direct access.

How do you train for a 100 mile ultra run?

Include quality training: Speed (Tempo, Progression, Interval, Fartlek) and/or hill work once-twice per week. Hard running should formulate around 15%-20% of your total weekly mileage. Hard work outs need to wait until the Build and Peak phases of your plan. Don’t start speed work too early.

What is a UTMB Qualifier?

How hard is it to qualify for UTMB?

To have a chance to register for UTMB, a runner must have accumulated 10 “points” between the start of 2018 and the end of 2020. To race TDS, a runner needs eight points; for CCC, six points; and for OCC, four points.