What is the answer to 10 on impossible quiz 2?

What is the answer to 10 on impossible quiz 2?

The question actually asks you to pick up the words “a penguin?” and see what happens. Hidden below the words, there is a message that reads “You find the answer!”, next to a green arrow-shaped button that says “GO!”. Click it and you’ll be sent to the next question.

What is the answer to number 20 on the impossible quiz 2?

Question 20 of The Impossible Quiz says “Deal or no deal?”, referencing the game show “Deal or No Deal”. The possible choices are “Deal!”, “No deal!”, “Seal!”, “No seal!” The answer is “Seal!”, which is a better answer than “Deal!”, since in these cases what people do is to “seal the deal”.

How do you do question 37 on the impossible quiz 2?

There’s no bomb, and you won’t lose any lives for clicking anywhere on the screen. Just like in Question 34 from the first Quiz, all you have to do to pass this question is to move your cursor away from the game’s screen (or put it on the Toggle Music/Quality buttons, which also works) since elephants dislike mice.

What is the answer to number 46 on the impossible quiz 2?

Eggman, of whom we can only see his hand. The answer choices are “Best Flash ever”, “Meh”, “OMGF U KILLS SONIKKU U BASTUD”, and a picture of a person showing another person his flaming hand while the other person is gladly teasing about it. The answer is “OMGF U KILLS SONIKKU U BASTUD”.

What is the answer to number 45 in the impossible quiz?

The question uses the Windings font and says: “Potatoes fly”. The choices are “Indeed”, “WRONG”, “Why not?”, and “ROFL”. So the top right choice which says “WRONG” is the correct answer.

What is the answer to number 21 on the impossible quiz 2?

The only way for you to get the answer you’re looking for is to look at the question number. It’s a 21 with a dot right next to it. All you have to do then is to drag the dot into the small space between the 2 and the 1, thus creating “2.1”.

What is the answer to question 22 on the impossible quiz 2?

Question 22 from the Impossible Quiz states that “The choice is yours”, with the four possible options below being “+1 life”, “-1 life”, “Escape!!”, and “+1 skip”. The answer is “+1 skip”, because it’s like an instant skip to the next question.

What is the answer to question 28 on the impossible quiz 2?

The answer is “Abundance”, because it is a pun on the words “A bun dance”, which is descriptive enough of the picture.

What is the answer to 29 on the impossible quiz 2?

The correct answer is “Dough”, since bakers both need dough to make bread and knead dough in order to produce bread..

What is the answer to question 36 on the impossible quiz 2?

The answer to the question is “A walk”, because considering the fly just so happens to fly, and a fly without wings cannot fly, then an appropriate name for it is “walk”, since the only thing it can do to move is to walk.

How do you do number 25 on the impossible quiz 2?

Reference(s) Question 25 of The Impossible Quiz says “How do you kill a werewolf?”, and the possible answers say “Shoe polish”, “Gravy granules”, “Black pudding”, and “Cillit Bang”. The answer to this question is “shoe polish”.

How do you do number 27 on the impossible quiz 2?

The new Question 27 asks “How many times can you fit into a vacuum?”. The options you’re given are “Once”, “Thrice”, “Twice” and “Life is a vacuum”. The correct answer is “Twice”, as that’s how many times the letter “u” (you) appears in the word “vacuum”.

What is the answer to question 47 on the impossible quiz 2?

Obi-Wan Takes the High Ground! The answer in this case is “Universal serial bus”: “universal” because the bus appears to be travelling through the universe, and “serial” because it is a homophone of “cereal”.

What is the answer to 44 on the impossible quiz?

Question 44 of The Impossible Quiz is a safe question that has no actual question, nor options. All there is on screen besides the usual stuff are a bunch of scrambled puzzle pieces. The question number is in one of these pieces, so you can use it as a reference.