What is softscape and hardscape?

What is softscape and hardscape?

The term softscape stands in contrast to hardscape, which represents inanimate objects of a landscape such as pavers, stones, rocks, planter boxes, arbors, water feature as well as structures of wood and natural stone and concrete, like retaining walls, patios, fences and decks, pergolas, and stairs.

What is the difference between hardscape and softscape in landscape design?

Hardscape is the hard stuff in your yard: concrete, bricks, and stone. Softscape is the soft, growing stuff, like perennial flowers, shrubs, succulents, and trees. Softscape is living; hardscape is not. Ideally, a well-designed landscape incorporates a balance between the two elements.

What is softscape in architecture?

Softscape comprises the animate (living), horticultural elements of landscape design. More simply put, it refers to the plants. Softscape elements are complemented by hardscape elements, such as wooden pergolas, stone walls, tile patios, and brick walkways.

What is softscape plan?

What Is Softscaping? Softscaping is a component of landscape design that refers to the living, horticultural elements involved in landscaping. Softscape elements include flowers, plants, grass, soil, flower beds, and groundcover.

What are the example for softscape?

Plants, Trees, Flowers, Turf, covering grounds and shrubs are all components of softscape landscaping designs. Softscape, although not as technical, helps bring color and life to your yard. Softscaping can either be temporary such as seasonal plants to add color as well as permanent such as evergreen trees and shrubs.

Are rocks hardscape or softscape?

Hardscaping elements are non-living things such as pavers, rocks, concrete, fences, gates, fountains, and more. Softscape elements are living things such as grasses, flowers, groundcovers, shrubs, and trees. You need to consider the following differences between the two when designing your outdoor spaces.

Why is hardscape and softscape design important?

Together softscape and hardscape help make up your landscaping design, transforming your yard into a relaxing oasis, which can be used for basking in the scenery, to extend your living space, or for entertaining family and friends.

What is hardscape area?

Any solid structure in an outdoor area that is not plant life is considered hardscape. Some examples of hardscape features include driveways, patios, fountains, fire pits, and walkways.

What is an example of hardscape?

What defines as hardscape?

Definition of hardscape : structures (such as fountains, benches, or gazebos) that are incorporated into a landscape — compare softscape.

What is hardscape elements?

Hardscape is the “hard” features in your landscape. It is the heavier, unchanging, inanimate objects comprised of gravel, paving, stone and wood. Hardscape elements include: Walkways. Patios.

What is hardscape and landscaping?

What Is Hardscape in Landscaping? The term “hardscape” refers to all of the non-living elements in landscaping, such as a brick patio, a stone wall, or a wooden arbor. It is one of the two major subcategories of landscaping, the other being softscape.

What are hardscape features?

Is concrete a hardscape?

What Is Hardscape? Simply put, hardscape is any of the non-living elements in your landscape design. As the name suggests, these are the harder design elements in your space like concrete, rocks, bricks, pavers, stone, and wood.

What is the difference between hardscaping and softscape?

It focuses solely on the plants. Examples of softscape include your lawn grass, flowers, trees, and any other living plants you have as part of your landscaping. Softscape does a great job of softening the hard edges that hardscaping creates.

What are the components of softscape?

When selecting softscape: Consider these the “soft” horticultural (living, growing) components of the landscape. These might include flowers, trees, shrubs, ground covers, etc. Change and evolve constantly, as they grow and adapt to climate and other conditions.

What are the characteristics of hardscape?

Once you know the distinction, the characteristics of hardscape make sense. Among them: Hardscape can be thought of as “hard,” yet movable, parts of the landscape, like gravel, paving, and stones. They are inanimate objects.

How does hardscape affect the environment?

Hardscape materials have different effects on the environment. Pavement, which is hardscape, prevents water from soaking into the soil, thus increasing runoff, which can carry contaminants into streams. Porous materials allow water to soak into the soil.