What is reflex arc diagram?

What is reflex arc diagram?

A reflex arc is a simple nervous pathway which is responsible for the sudden reaction known as the reflex action. The afferent/sensory neurons are present in the receptor organ which receive the stimulus. The neuron transmits the sensory information from receptor organ to the spinal cord.

Which of the following illustrates a reflex arc?

Receptor→sensory neuron→spinal cord→motor neuron→effector A reflex arc is a neural pathway that controls a reflex action.

What is meant by reflex action with the help of a Labelled diagram?

A reflex is made possible by neural pathways called reflex arcs which can act on an impulse before that impulse reaches the brain. With the help of a labelled diagram trace the sequence of event which occurs when we touch a hot object. Reflex action is a spontaneous response needed in the sudden adverse situation. …

What is the correct sequence of event of a reflex arc?

So, the correct answer is ‘Receptors – Sensory neuron – Spinal cord – Motor neuron – Muscle’

What is reflex arc explain with the help of an example?

(a) Reflex action is a rapid and automatic response to a stimulus. It is not under the voluntary control of the brain. For example, if we unknowingly touch a hot plate, we immediately move our hand away from it. (b) The path travelled by an impulse during a reflex action is called a reflex arc.

What is reflex action with example?

Reflex action is a sudden and involuntary response to stimuli. It helps organisms to quickly adapt to an adverse circumstance that could have the potential to cause bodily harm or even death. Pulling our hands away immediately after touching a hot or cold object is a classic example of a reflex action.

What is reflex action explain with example?

What is reflex action illustrate with two examples?

Reflex action is defined as an unconscious and involuntary response of effectors to a stimulus. Example on touching a hot object stimulus we immediately remove our hand from it. Other example from daily life are watering of mouth on seeing food sneezing blinking of eyes and yawning.

Which of the following is the correct sequence of structures in a reflex arc?

The correct sequence of the components in a reflex is the Receptor → Sensory neuron → Spinal cord → Motor neuron → Muscle.

What’s the correct sequence in a typical reflex arc?

What are the 5 steps in a reflex arc?

– Receptor- sense organ in skin/muscle/organ. What is the second step in a reflex arc? – Sensory Neuron- carries impulse towards CNS. What is the third step in a reflex arc? – Interneuron- carries impulse w/in CNS. – Motor neuron- carries impulse away from CNS. – Effector- response.

What is a reflex arc and how does it work?

Receptor – sense organ in skin,muscle,or other organ.

  • Sensory neuron – carries impulse towards CNS.
  • Interneuron – carries impulse within CNS.
  • Motor neuron – carries impulse away from CNS.
  • Effector – structure by which animal responds (muscle,gland,etc).
  • What are the 5 essential components of a reflex arc?

    Stretch Reflex. The stretch reflex (myotatic reflex) is a muscle contraction in response to stretching within the muscle.

  • Golgi Tendon Reflex.
  • Crossed Extensor Reflex.
  • Withdrawal Reflex.
  • What are the elements of a reflex arc?


  • afferent neuron.
  • interneuron.
  • efferent neurons.
  • effector.