What is ranggong?

What is ranggong?

Ranggong rigs are used in bottom fishing from boat, especially during night time or when current is very strong. The uniqueness of this rig is its ultra long hook line and a spreader is a must to prevent this long hook line from entangling with the main line when it is lowered to the bottom.

How long should a paternoster rig be?

When chasing leatherjackets in the estuaries the main thing I found when using this rig is that you need to keep the overall length of the rig to about half the length of the rod you are using and that the distance that the hook (number 8 to 12 long shanked hook) is away from the main line is no more than 12cm.

What is Paternoster rig good for?

The main purpose of the rig is to offer little or no resistance to a fish as it moves off with the bait. Paternoster rigs are not self hooking, the angler must strike at the right time. Bite registration can be done with a quiver tip, swing tip or touch ledgering.

What is the best Paternoster rig?

The Flapper Rig is by far the best variant of the paternoster rig to use when shore-casting, or fishing downtide (or uptide with a spiked lead) from a boat.

What is the best rig for Whiting?

Rigging for bait fishing Sand whiting rigs vary but a simple rig that works consists of a size 4-8 long shank hook, 0.5-1m monofilament leader, and a running ball sinker above a swivel. Bait up with a live nipper or beach worm and you’re in business.

What is the best rig for whiting?

What is the best fishing rig for whiting?

One of the simplest set-ups you can use for whiting is the running sinker rig. It requires only the use of a blood knot and is simple to tie. It requires a ball sinker running down to a swivel with a leader length of around 70-90cm from the swivel to your hook; 5kg monofilament leader will be fine in most scenarios.

What’s the best size hook for whiting?

size 4 to 8
Use a long shank hook, size 4 to 8 and always go for the top brands. They are perfect for baiting live worms, yabbies and pipis and the long shank is easier to remove from the long snout of a Whiting. Run a long leader up to a swivel, and weight for conditions. A ball sinker is best.

What is the best time of day to catch whiting?

Late morning or early afternoon, when the wind picks up, is usually the best time of day to fishing for yellowfin whiting. The slight movement on the water provides the fish some security and protection from a wading angler whereas calm water and movement above the water will often spook the fish.

What hook is best for whiting?

Use a long shank hook, size 4 to 8 and always go for the top brands. They are perfect for baiting live worms, yabbies and pipis and the long shank is easier to remove from the long snout of a Whiting. Run a long leader up to a swivel, and weight for conditions. A ball sinker is best.

What tide is best for whiting?

Low tide gutters By far the peak period for these types of formations is one hour before to one hour after low tide. With the right conditions (light swell), low tide concentrates the whiting in the deep water closest to the pipis and worms at the shore or along the back bank.