What is putty kidney?

What is putty kidney?

Putty kidney is the radiologic appearance of dense dystrophic calcification involving extensively damaged kidney due to tuberculosis. It is the end result of scarring, obstruction, and atrophy of the kidney due to tuberculosis which is complicated by dystrophic calcification with time.

What is Autonephrectomy?

Medical dictionaries define autonephrectomy as. a stricture of the ureter which completely closes the lumen so that no. secretion reaches the bladder. In other words, autonephrectomy is. synonymous with renal occlusion.

What are known absolutely reliable signs of tuberculosis of urinary organs?

The most common symptoms of GUTB, in descending order of frequency, include increased frequency of urination (during the day initially but at night later in the disease course), dysuria, frank pain, suprapubic pain, blood or pus in the urine, and fever.

How is horseshoe kidney diagnosed?

Renal (kidney) ultrasound. Intravenous pyelogram, an X-ray of your kidneys, ureters and bladder. Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG). Radionuclide scan, an imaging technique that uses a small dose of a radioactive substance to detect any problems.

When is Potter’s Syndrome Detected?

If not detected before birth (prenatally), then lack of urine production, specific (facial) features or difficulty breathing may be signs of Potter syndrome. A routine specialized imaging technique called a fetal ultrasound may detect Potter syndrome before birth.

Is TB most commonly found in the kidneys?

In most cases, the primary infection is self-limited. The kidneys are commonly affected in milliary TB, where milliary lesions can be found in renal tissue as a result of hematogenic dissemination, particularly in the cortical region.

How do you diagnose kidney TB?

How to Diagnose Renal Tuberculosis?

  1. A full blood count and ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) which may indicate the presence of an infection.
  2. Renal function tests, which include measurement of blood urea, uric acid and creatinine to test the functioning of the kidneys.

What size is a staghorn kidney stone?

Urinary tract calculi (i.e., “liths” or stones) may vary in size from less than 1 mm to several centimeters (“staghorn” calculi) and are typically seen as round, oval, or polygonal foci of high radiodensity within the renal parenchyma (Fig.

What is a kidney staghorn?

What is a staghorn kidney stone? Staghorn kidney stones are large, solid growths (calculi) that form in the kidneys where urine is formed. As the stones grow bigger and harden (calcify), they take resemble the horns of a stag deer, giving the condition its name.

Is a horseshoe kidney one or two?

As the name suggests, a horseshoe kidney is an abnormality where the two kidneys get fused together to form a horseshoe. However, it’s not just the shape and structure of the kidneys that is abnormal.

What vessel causes horseshoe kidney?

In patients with this condition, the horseshoe kidney ascent is commonly arrested by the inferior mesenteric artery due to the central fusion of the kidneys. However, this is present in only 40% of cases, and, in 20% of cases, the fused kidney remains in the pelvis.

What defect is seen in Potter’s syndrome?

In Potter syndrome, the primary problem is kidney failure. The kidneys fail to develop properly as the baby is growing in the womb. The kidneys normally produce the amniotic fluid (as urine). Potter phenotype refers to a typical facial appearance that occurs in a newborn when there is no amniotic fluid.

What is tuberculosis in kidney?

Renal and Genital Tuberculosis. Renal TB is typically a disease of young and middle-aged adults. Most cases of renal TB arise by secondary hematogenous spread of bacilli to the renal cortex from pulmonary lesions either at the time of initial TB infection or due to late breakdown of an old caseous focus.

Can TB occur in kidney?

The clinical manifestations of renal TB are commonly unilateral and involve approximately 3% of all patients with TB, and bilateral kidney involvement is uncommon and can lead to chronic kidney disease.

What causes a staghorn kidney?

Repeated urinary tract infections can cause staghorn stones, especially when the bacteria that cause the infections produce an enzyme called urease. One of these germs is Proteus mirabilis. This causes the pH of your urine to become less acidic. In turn, crystals can form and lead to a kidney stone.

What is a putty kidney in radiography?

A putty kidney refers to a pattern of renal calcification associated with renal tuberculosis conventionally described on plain radiography. The calcification is characteristically very homogeneous and ground glass-like, representing calcified caseous tissue 3,4.

What is putty kidney in renal tuberculosis?

INTRODUCTION • A putty kidney refers to a pattern of renal calcification associated with renal tuberculosis conventionally described on plain radiography.

Is Kub radiography effective for imaging kidney stones?

For patients with kidney stones, imaging at multiple angles improves sensitivity and specificity with scant increases in radiation exposure57,58. These imaging modalities are currently experimental, but they indicate that KUB radiography might remain an important technique in kidney stone imaging.

What is the most accurate imaging modality for kidney stones?

Noncontrast CT is the most accurate imaging modality for kidney stones owing to high sensitivity, specificity, accurate stone sizing, and the ability to evaluate non-stone-related pathologies Ultrasonography has a lower sensitivity and specificity than CT, but does not expose patients to ionizing radiation and is less expensive than CT