What is high-level language and low-level language?

What is high-level language and low-level language?

High-level languages require the use of a compiler or an interpreter for their translation into the machine code. Low-level language requires an assembler for directly translating the instructions of the machine language. Efficiency of Memory. These languages have a very low memory efficiency.

What is high-level language translator?

A compiler is a language translator that translates high-level languages program to machine language program. While translating, it checks the syntax (grammar of the source code) and translates it into object code at a single attempt. If any error is found, the compiler produces syntax errors and causes of the errors.

What is the translator for low-level language?

A compiler is a translator used to convert high-level programming language to low-level programming language.

What is the difference between low-level language and high-level language explain with examples?

On the other hand, Machine can easily understand the low level language in comparison of human beings. Examples of high level languages are C, C++, Java, Python, etc….Difference between High Level and Low level languages.

S.NO High Level Language Low Level Language
2. High level language is less memory efficient. Low level language is high memory efficient.

What is a translator in programming?

A translator is a program that converts source code into object code. Generally, there are three types of translator: compilers. interpreters. assemblers.

What are the two types of translator?

Generally, there are three types of translator:

  • compilers.
  • interpreters.
  • assemblers.

What is translator and its types?

A translator is a programming language processor that modifies a computer program from one language to another. It takes a program written in the source program and modifies it into a machine program. It can find and detect the error during translation. There are various types of a translator which are as follows −

What is translator compiler and interpreter?

A compiler is a translator which transforms source language (high-level language) into object language (machine language). In contrast with a compiler, an interpreter is a program which imitates the execution of programs written in a source language.

What is translator and types?

What is translator explain the different types of translator?

A program written in high-level language is called as source code. To convert the source code into machine code, translators are needed….Interpreter.

SI. No Compiler Interpreter
5 Programming languages like C, C++ uses compilers. Programming languages like Python, BASIC, and Ruby uses interpreters.

What is the difference between high-level language and machine language?

Both machine code and assembly languages are hardware specific and not portable. This means that the machine code used to run a program on one specific computer needs to be modified to run on another computer. Portable code in a high-level language can run on multiple computer systems without modification.

What is the difference between ++ A and A ++?

++a is the prefix increment operator whose value is increased by 1 first then the operation is performed and a++ is the postfix increment operator whose value increased by 1 after the operation is performed.

What is translator explain?

A translator or language translation program is a software application or service that translates text or speech from one language to another. Translators can also interpret programming code, converting it to instructions that a computer can understand and execute.

What is translator and types of translator?

What are the types of translator?

There are 3 different types of translators as follows:

  • Compiler. A compiler is a translator used to convert high-level programming language to low-level programming language.
  • Interpreter.
  • Assembler.
  • Further Readings: