What is GhostNet attack?

What is GhostNet attack?

GhostNet (simplified Chinese: 幽灵网; traditional Chinese: 幽靈網; pinyin: YōuLíngWǎng) is the name given by researchers at the Information Warfare Monitor to a large-scale cyber spying operation discovered in March 2009.

What is GhostNet referring to?

GhostNet is the name given to a large-scale cyber espionage operation discovered in March 2009. The operation’s command and control infrastructure was based mainly in the People’s Republic of China and had infiltrated high-value political, economic and media locations in 103 countries.

What is cyber espionage in cyber security?

Cyber espionage is a form of cyber attack that steals classified, sensitive data or intellectual property to gain an advantage over a competitive company or government entity.

Where do ghost nets come from?

Ghost nets aren’t supernatural, but they are legitimately scary. A ghost net is a fishing net that’s been lost or abandoned in the ocean. They are one particularly egregious part of the global ghost fishing problem, which includes fishing gear abandoned in the water.

What is cyber espionage with examples?

exploiting vulnerabilities in websites or browsers; spear phishing emails designed to escalate the attacker’s network privileges; supply chain attacks that target the primary target’s partners; malware, Trojans and worms; and.

How are ghost nets removed?

The net is heavy with mud, encrusted with crustaceans, starfish, sea squirts, and the skeletons of creatures that trapped themselves in the net’s fine nylon filaments. Back on board, the divers free as many critters as they can from the net, tossing them back in the water.

What are TEDs turtles?

Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs) are specialized metal grates inserted in trawl nets that allow captured sea turtles to escape. They are 97 percent effective at reducing the number of sea turtles killed.

What is the purpose of cyber espionage?

Cyber espionage (cyberespionage) is a form of cyber attack that is carried out against a competitive company or government entity. The goal of cyber espionage, which may also be referred to as cyber spying, is to provide the attacker with information that gives them advantages over competing companies or governments.

What is an example of cyber espionage?

What is industrial cyber espionage?

Industrial espionage is the covert, and sometimes illegal, practice of investigating competitors to gain a business advantage. The target of an investigation might be a trade secret, such as a proprietary product specification or formula, or information about business plans.

Where are ghost nets most common?

Figures indicate that over 40 000 tons of gillnets are abandoned every year in South Korean waters (where the netting is particularly popular) each year. In the North-East Atlantic, 25 000 ghost nets are discarded each year – totalling up to 1 250km in length.

How many ghost nets are there?

Known as ghost fishing nets, experts have estimated that there are roughly 640 000 tonnes of these nets currently in our ocean, accounting for 10 percent of the total plastic waste in the sea.

How does the TED device work?

The grid is fitted into the neck of a shrimp trawl. Small animals such as shrimp pass through the bars and are caught in the bag end of the trawl. When larger animals, such as sea turtles and sharks, are captured in the trawl, they strike the grid bars and are ejected through the opening.

What is the difference between cybercrime and cyber espionage?

As its name suggests, cyber crime is criminal activity carried out on computers via the Internet. Cyber espionage, meanwhile, is a subset of cyber crime—a form of cyber attack in which criminals target governments and organizations in order to steal sensitive and valuable information.

Is cyber espionage legal?

It must be noted that although cyber espionage operations are generally not illegal from the perspective of international law, they are usually prohibited according to the domestic law of the target State.

How do you stop ghost nets?

Lost or abandoned fishing nets are often referred to as ‘ghost gear. ‘ One possible solution to prevent the abandonment of fishing gear is to mark it with electronic and acoustic tags, which would presumably make it easier to recover, and easier to hold those who discarded it more accountable.