What is cerebellum in psychology?

What is cerebellum in psychology?

The cerebellum, which stands for ‘little brain’, is a hindbrain structure that controls balance, coordination, movement, and motor skills, and it is thought to be important in processing some types of memory.

What causes cerebellar atrophy?

Cerebellar degeneration can be caused by a variety of factors including inherited gene changes , chronic alcohol abuse, and paraneoplastic disorders.

How does age affect the cerebellum?

The human cerebellum changes with age. Total cerebellar volume declines with age, as do global cerebellar white matter volume, mean volume of the Purkinje cell body, and region specific volumes (Andersen, 2003).

What brain part controls balance?

The cerebellum
The cerebellum is located behind the brain stem. While the frontal lobe controls movement, the cerebellum “fine-tunes” this movement. This area of the brain is responsible for fine motor movement, balance, and the brain’s ability to determine limb position.

How does the cerebellum affect mental health?

The primary role of the cerebellum has traditionally thought to comprise balance and motor control. However, studies have been emerging that support multiple functions of the cerebellum including emotion regulation, inhibiting impulsive decision making, attention, and working memory (1–5).

How does the cerebellum affect emotions?

Cerebellar impairment has been associated with deficits in emotional processing and is linked to a wide range of clinical behaviors including social withdrawal, blunted emotional expression, and impulsivity.

What part of brain is deteriorated in elderly?

Our cerebral cortex, the wrinkled outer layer of the brain that contains neuronal cell bodies, also thins with age. Cortical thinning follows a pattern similar to volume loss and is particularly pronounced in the frontal lobes and parts of the temporal lobe.

Does the cerebellum shrink with age?

Age effects on cerebellar volume would be blurred, because both the cerebellum and the cerebral hemispheres shrink with age. In contrast, failure to correct for an effect which affects cerebellar volume but is unrelated to ageing will result in false (over or under) estimation of age effects.

How do you cure loss of balance?


  1. Balance retraining exercises (vestibular rehabilitation). Therapists trained in balance problems design a customized program of balance retraining and exercises.
  2. Positioning procedures.
  3. Diet and lifestyle changes.
  4. Medications.
  5. Surgery.

What is Flocculonodular?

The flocculonodular lobe is a lobe of the cerebellum consisting of the nodule and the flocculus. The two flocculi are connected to the midline structure called the nodulus by thin pedicles. It is placed on the antero inferior surface of cerebellum.

Does the cerebellum affect sleep?

The cerebellum shows sleep stage–dependent activity and its malfunctions can lead to changes in the sleep–wake cycle, leading to sleep disorders. The cerebral cortex and cerebellum strongly interact during both the awake state and sleep, and such interactions during sleep also contribute to consolidation of memories.

Does cerebellum affect personality?

Following the recognition of its role in sensory-motor coordination and learning, the cerebellum has been involved in cognitive, emotional, and even personality domains.

Does the cerebellum control mood?

The cerebellum is particularly well-suited to regulate emotion, as connections with limbic regions, including the amygdala, the hippocampus, and the septal nuclei have been posited (Anand, Malhotra, Singh, & Dua, 1959; Annoni, Ptak, Caldara-Schnetzer, Khateb, & Pollermann, 2003; Harper & Heath, 1973; Schmahmann, 2004; …