What is a gravida 3 para 3?

What is a gravida 3 para 3?

This means three pregnancies, two live births. The OB patient, currently pregnant with her third baby, will become a Gravida 3, Para 3 after giving birth.

What is Gpla in pregnancy?

G= Gravida (How many time patient concievwd) P= Para (How many time pregnancy crossed Viability) L= Live (How many live babies) A= Abortion (How many abortion) G3P1L1A2= Patient got pregnant 3 times out of which P1 means 1 pregnancy crossed Viability age L1 that pregnancy delivered and A2 means out of 3 pregnancy 2 …

What is Gpla status for pregnancy?

Insurance companies request for a separate Obstetric History or the GPAL certificate. [ Gravida- any pregnancy, regardless of duration, P- number of preterm infants born after 20 weeks and before 37 weeks. A- pregnancies ending in spontaneous abortion or therapeutic abortion.

What is G3P1 in pregnancy?

G3P1+1. Gravida 3, Para 1 + 1. This would be a woman who is currently pregnant and has given birth once before, and has a miscarriage or termination before 24 weeks.

What does Gpla mean?


Acronym Definition
GPLA Greater Philadelphia Locksmiths Association (Philadelphia, PA)
GPLA Government Property Lawyers Agency (UK)
GPLA Guinea Pig Left Atrium (animal anatomy)
GPLA Galion Public Library Association

What is Gpla parity?

Parity is defined as the number of times that she has given birth to a fetus with a gestational age of 24 weeks or more, regardless of whether the child was born alive or was stillborn.

What does Gpla stand for?

How do you calculate Gtpal?

GTPAL stands for. Gravidity: number of times the woman has been pregnant (THIS INCLUDES CURRENT PREGNANCY, MISCARRIAGES, ABORTIONS and *twins/triplets count as one).

What is Gpla in obstetric history?

What is Gpla status?

L- number of current living children. If women has a GPLA status like- G3P2A0L2. This means she has been pregnant 3 times and had 2 premature births with no abortions and 2 children living.]

What is Gpla certificate for maternity?

If women has a GPLA status like- G3P2A0L2. This means she has been pregnant 3 times and had 2 premature births with no abortions and 2 children living.]

What does Gtpal stand for?

GTPAL is the acronym for Gravida, Term births, Preterm births, Abortion, and Living Children. Discover the definition of these medical terms represented by the GTPAL abbreviation, the use of the GTPAL system, and examples of it in action during childbirth.

What is gtpal maternity nursing?

GTPAL Maternity Nursing NCLEX Review. This NCLEX review will discuss GTPAL for nursing. GTPAL is an acronym used to assess pregnancy outcomes. As a nursing student, you need to know how to evaluate a scenario and calculate the GTPAL. These questions may be found on NCLEX and definitely on nursing lecture exams in maternity.

What is gtpal in pregnancy?

Lesson Summary. GTPAL is an acronym that stands for: Gravida is the number of times a woman has been pregnant. Term births are the number of times a woman has delivered after 37 weeks gestation. Preterm births refer to the number of times a woman delivers before 37 weeks gestation.

What is the gtpal system obstetric history calculator?

The GTPAL system obstetric history calculator calculates the obstetric history of a woman in terms of the number of times she has been pregnant, the number of term births she has had, the number of premature births she has had, the number of abortions she has had, and the number of living children she currently has.

What is the GP system of obstetric history?

Gravidity and parity (GP) are a 2-digit system to record pregnancy and birth history of the women. This is more basic method of recording obstetric history which only include information about woman’s number of pregnancies and births.