What is a dual isotope stress test?

What is a dual isotope stress test?

A dual isotope or nuclear stress test is a diagnostic nuclear imaging study that uses radioactive tracers, called Cardiolite and thallium, to produce images of the heart muscle.

What is a nuclear isotope stress test?

Nuclear stress test is an imaging method that uses radioactive material to show how well blood flows into the heart muscle, both at rest and during activity. A radiotracer is injected into a peripheral vein. As the radiotracer decays, gamma radiation is emitted and is detected by a Gamma camera.

Is nuclear stress test hard on kidneys?

The dose of radiation used in nuclear blood flow imaging is very small—no more than a CT scan. The material is not a dye, therefore there is no risk to the kidneys and allergic reactions are extremely rare. You won’t feel the imaging material as it moves to the heart.

What are the side effects of a nuclear stress test?

Dizziness or chest pain. These symptoms can occur during a nuclear stress test. Some people also have nausea, shakiness, headache, flushing, shortness of breath and anxiety during the stress test. These signs and symptoms are usually mild and brief, but tell your doctor if they occur.

Why should I avoid a nuclear stress test?

Although extremely rare, it’s possible that a nuclear stress test could cause a heart attack. Low blood pressure. Blood pressure may drop during or immediately after exercise, possibly causing you to feel dizzy or faint. The problem should go away after you stop exercising.

Why is your throat numbed during a stress test?

You are also given medicine (local anesthetic) to numb your throat. This helps you feel more comfortable during the procedure. An exercise stress test measures how your heart deals with the stress of physical activity.

Can you drive yourself home after a chemical stress test?

You will not be allowed to eat or drink until the medicine used to numb your throat wears off. This usually takes 30 to 60 minutes. You may not drive yourself home after your test. Before coming for your test, arrange for someone to take you home afterwards.

What is the sestamibi stress test?

Chest pain,either new onset or occurring over a period of days or longer

  • To diagnose coronary artery disease (CAD),which is the narrowing of the coronary arteries
  • After a heart attack (myocardial infarction,or MI) to assess heart muscle damage
  • Which test is better nuclear stress test or echocardiogram?

    Chest pain

  • Experiencing shortness of breath (often referred to as dyspnea)
  • A new heart murmur is identified during a physical exam
  • – Headache – Flushing of the face – Breathing difficulty, aspecially in asthma patients – Rarely can trigger a heart attack

    Should I get a nuclear stress test?

    A nuclear stress test can also show how well your heart pumps blood. A nuclear stress test, sometimes called a thallium stress test, is an important test because some heart problems can only be seen when the heart is under stress from exercising. A nuclear stress test also provides important information about how the heart is functioning.