What is a Comat exam?

What is a Comat exam?

Distinctive subject examinations designed to assess core osteopathic medical knowledge. A series of nationally standardized subject exams, COMAT exams are designed to assess osteopathic medical students’ knowledge and ability in core osteopathic medical and foundational biomedical sciences principles.

How long are Comat shelf exams?

2 ½ hours
COMAT Information: COMAT exams are 125 questions and are 2 ½ hours in length.

What’s a good Comat score?

COMATS are the DO version of shelf exams, graded with an average of 100, and visually show how you did in each sub-topic in the score report. NBOME says a score below 93 is poor, a score between 93 and 107 is average, and a score above 107 is good or above average.

How many Comat exams are there?

eight exams
The NBOME COMAT includes eight exams – one for each core discipline. They are as follows: emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, obstetrics/gynecology, osteopathic principle and practice, pediatrics, psychiatry, and surgery.

Are Comat scores important?

It all depends on how grades are determined to decide how you want to expend your energy. In some schools it doesn’t make any sense to even attempt to achieve honors so time is better spent elsewhere on research and learning things that are important for future practice but not for comats or boards.

Are there practice Comat exams?

COMAT practice examinations are available to provide candidates an actual testing experience. You will find the practice exams in the links below under Practice Examinations. Approved faculty of subscribing and prospective COMs may also request to take a sample COMAT subject examination.

How hard is OMM Comat?

The exam is completely based on basic principles, lack of time, and intentionally very, very poorly worded directions. Unsurprisingly, it is the dumbest comat you will take all year but it’s not hard to honor and really hard to fail.

What percent is passing on Comat?

Table 2

COMAT Subject Students Level 2-CE Passing Rate
FM 10 547 91.78%
IM 11 732 91.92%
OB 11 510 91.86%
OP 9991 92.57%

How long does it take to get Comat score?

For the COMAT Clinical subject exams, score reports are scheduled to be released 5 to 10 business days after administration regardless of the number of administrations, typically on Thursday afternoons.

How hard are shelf exams?

Shelf exams are known for being notoriously difficult and stress-inducing. It’s recommended that students spend more time studying for these exams than others in medical school, because of the large amount of medical information covered in the questions.

How many questions are on OPP Comat?

What you can expect on testing day. Alright, so for any of you that have taken a COMAT already you know what to expect. This one is a little bit different then the others though, it is 125 questions and 2.5 hours of pure OMM material.

How many questions are on OMM Comat?

The OMM COMAT is a test that a lot of students just absolutely don’t like. It is 125 questions of pure OMM, for this reason this article will be short sweet and to the point. What you can expect on testing day.

How hard is surgery Comat?

How long is the surgery COMAT?: The exam is about 2 and a half hours long with 125 questions in it. This means that you have just over one minute to get each question done. With a time crunch like this you really need to focus on your time.

What percentage is passing on Comat?

What is the average Comat score?

COMAT scores are reported by the NBOME as standardized scores based on national norms where the national mean is 100 and the standard deviation is 10. Typical scores fall within the range of 80 to 120.

What happens if u fail a shelf exam?

4. What happens if you fail a Shelf exam? Because medical schools often use the Shelf exams to measure their students’ proficiency from clinical rotations, failure of a Shelf exam can risk failure of the rotation for the corresponding clinical subject.

What happens if you fail a shelf exam twice?

If the student fails the second shelf exam, the student will receive an F in the clerkship and will be required to retake the entire rotation before being allowed to retake the shelf exam. 4.

How do I study for OMM shelf exam?

Quick summary to studying for the OMM COMAT Questions: Use COMQUEST, do 15-20 per day, and a few days before the COMAT be able to sit for 2.5 hours and do questions. Timing: Practice a few days before doing questions for 2.5 hours.

How many questions is surgery Comat?

The exam is about 2 and a half hours long with 125 questions in it. This means that you have just over one minute to get each question done.

Are shelf exams hard?

What is on the comat exam?

The COMAT exams assess candidates in the setting of pre-doctoral medical education, covering foundational biomedical sciences and the osteopathic medical principles and practices of clinical knowledge. Each of the COMAT exams consists of 125 items that must be completed within 2 hours and 30 minutes.

Is the surgery shelf exam similar to internal medicine?

The surgery shelf exam is very similar to internal medicine, with some key differences…

What is the difference between emergency medicine and Family Medicine shelf exam?

The emergency medicine COMAT covers cases that a third or fourth year.. learn more The family medicine shelf exam has a mix of pediatrics to Ob/Gyn, and everything… learn more The internal medicine (IM) shelf exam includes conditions that a general learn more