What happens at the end of Prince of Persia Warrior Within?

What happens at the end of Prince of Persia Warrior Within?

In the ending scene of the boat heading off towards Babylon, the Prince ends up sleeping with Kaileena and beginning a sexual relationship together. While in Kaileena’s embrace The Prince sees a vision of Babylon under attack and Farah taken as a prisoner by an unknown enemy.

How do you fight dahaka?

As the starting cutscene ends, hit the Dahaka, then roll around the beast and hit it again before it has the time to hit back, or the Prince will lose a considerable piece from his lifebar.

Who is Dhaka in Prince of Persia?

The Dahaka (also known as the Guardian of Time) is an antagonist in Battles of Prince of Persia and Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. The guardian of the timeline, he appears only when the timeline is disrupted. It is the Dahaka’s duty to make sure that the Prince meets his death to restore the timeline.

Where is the water sword in POP Warrior Within?

The Water Sword can only be obtained by activating all nine Upgrade Pedestals. When all nine upgrades are activated, the player will be led to a pit in the middle of the Hourglass Chamber where the Water Sword emerges.

How big is the purple death?

Trivia. Though no official size has ever been given, Richard Hamilton has suggested that the Purple Death is similar in size to the Red Death. And according to the The Art of How to Train Your Dragon, the Red Death is 400 feet long with a wingspan of 550 feet.

What does Dahaka mean in Prince of Persia?

” A good fight. But this outcome was inevitable! ” Dahaka (also known as the Guardian of Time ) is an antagonist in Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. The Prince must run from him on several occasions before he is forced to confront him in order for the player to progress further into the game.

Who is Dahaka in the Warrior Within?

” Dahaka (also known as the Guardian of Time ) is an antagonist in Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. The Prince must run from him on several occasions before he is forced to confront him in order for the player to progress further into the game.

What are skins in Prince of Persia?

A skin refers to the texture that is placed onto a player model. In Prince of Persia (2008) and Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, there are six to four skins that can be used for the Prince of their respective games and Elika . Prince – Unlocked by default.

Who is the guardian of time in Prince of Persia?

Dahaka (also known as the Guardian of Time ) is an antagonist in Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. The Prince must run from him on several occasions before he is forced to confront him in order for the player to progress further into the game.