What flowers bloom in April in the UK?

What flowers bloom in April in the UK?


  • Primrose (Primula Vulgaris)
  • Sweet Violet (Viola Odorata)
  • Cow Parsley (Anthriscus Sylvestris)
  • Bluebells (Hyacinthoids Non-Scripta)
  • Greater Stitchwort (Stellaria Hollostea)
  • Ramsons (Allium Ursinum)
  • Ground Ivy (Glechoma Hederacea)
  • Summer Snowflake (Leucojum Aestivum)

Which flowers bloom in the month of April?

In April you’ll find thousands of daffodils, tulips, cherry blossoms, magnolias, peonies, azaleas and spring ephemerals like Virginia bluebells.

What flowers bloom in March April in UK?

Here’s a selection of flowers that you can pick in March.

  • Bergenia. Large glossy leaves and pink flower spikes of bergenia.
  • Camellia. Pink camellia in bloom.
  • Daphne. Starry, pink daphne flowers.
  • Hellebore. Dusky magenta-pink hellebores.
  • Narcissus. Brilliant yellow daffodils.
  • Primrose. Pale-lemon primroses.
  • Lonicera x purpusii.

What plants bloom in April and May?

April Blooming Perennials

  • Aquilegia (Columbine)
  • Campanula (Bellflower)
  • Corydalis.
  • Dicentra (Bleeding Hearts)
  • Galium.
  • Hellebores (Lenten Rose / Christmas Rose)
  • Heuchera (Coral Bells)
  • Lamium (Dead Nettle)

What flowers are in March April?

Five spring perennials for March

  • Pulmonaria (lungwort)
  • Pulsatilla (pasque flower)
  • Native primroses.
  • Bergenia.
  • Hellebores.

What flowers grow in April May?


  • Annual Flower Seeds To Sow In April.
  • 1) Alyssum.
  • 2) Amaranthus.
  • 3) Borage.
  • 4) Calendula.
  • 5) Cornflowers.
  • 6) Cosmos.
  • 7) Marigolds.

What flowers bloom in May UK?

Elegant and colourful – delphiniums are a quintessential cottage garden plant.

  • Acanthus.
  • Hardy geraniums.
  • Delphiniums.
  • Solomon’s seal.
  • Aquilegias.

What flowers are in season UK?

“The English cut flower garden will be in glorious bloom and there should be a beautiful abundance of annual phlox, sweet peas, roses, larkspur, delphinium, garden pinks, early hydrangea, scabious, snapdragons, nigella, lavatera, godetia, lavender, perennials like campanula, astrantia, mint, trailing vines, clematis.

Which flowers bloom first in spring UK?

Snowdrops, Galanthus spp. Snowdrops are some of the earliest spring flowers to bloom, sometimes flowering as soon as January. Choose from the species Galanthus nivalis to larger cultivars with different flower shapes, such as Galanthus ‘S. Arnott’ and Galanthus elwesii ‘Abington Green’.

What is the flower for every month?

Birth Month Flowers and Their Meanings

Month Birth Flower Meaning
April Daisy Sweet pea Purity, innocence Blissful pleasure
May Lily of the valley Hawthorn Sweetness, motherhood Hope
June Rose Honeysuckle Romance Happiness
July Larkspur Water lily Positivity, dignity Purity

What flowers grow in spring UK?

Tulips. Red, yellow, orange, purple, white, black, pink, yellow, cream, green and single colours, bi-colours, and striped.

  • Violets.
  • Alstroemeria.
  • Muscari.
  • Amaryllis.
  • Hellebores.
  • Narcissus.
  • Ranunculus.
  • What flowers to plant in April and May UK?

    It’s time to sow half-hardy flowers including nemesia, rudbeckia, Cosmos and French marigold under cover and hardy annuals such as oxalis and clarkia can be sown either indoors or outdoors.

    What flowers are in bloom now?

    These six flowers are blooming right now. And they make a lot of scents

    • Phlox (Phlox paniculata).
    • Bee balm (Monarda).
    • Daylily (Hemerocallis) Fragrant Returns.
    • Delphiniums (Delphinium).
    • Hosta ‘Fragrant Bouquet’ (yellow-green leaves), ‘Aphrodite’ (white flowers), ‘Guacamole’ (light-green foliage, white flowers).

    What is a popular spring flower?

    Between March and May, you might expect blooming of the most popular spring flowers such as:

    • Common snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis L.)
    • Crocus (Crocus L.)
    • Primrose (Primula L.)
    • Tulip (Tulipa L.)
    • Daffodil (Narcissus L.)
    • Peony (Paeonia L.)
    • Hyacinth (Hyacinthus L.)
    • Daisy (Bellis)

    Which of these is birth flower of April?

    April: Daisy and Sweet Pea Cheerful daisies, like ‘Crazy Daisy’ Shasta daisies, represent April birthdays. While they often symbolize beauty, innocence, love or purity, they can also mean, “I’ll never tell.” Sweet peas are also birth flowers for April.

    Which of these is the birth flower of April answer?

    April ~ Daisy & Sweet Pea The April birth flowers are the daisy and the sweet pea.

    What plants are good in April?

    If you are in a cooler climate, plant long day onions and if you are in a warmer climate, plant short day onions. Peas (Zones 3-10): Delicious green peas and sugar peas should be planted in April as they will flourish in the spring weather and will produce an abundance of May crops!

    Is April a good time to plant flowers?

    April. Seeds for cool season flowers can be sown directly into the ground during April. They do well with the remaining cool weather and provide late-spring blooms. At the end of April, warm-season flowers can be seeded outdoors as well.

    Can I get peonies in April?

    April is one of the best times of year to get highly sought-after peonies, but you can opt for other popular, in-season flowers like gardenias and garden roses, too.