What does VR mean on a circuit board?

What does VR mean on a circuit board?

Circuit notation and reference designators

More commonly used Circuit Schematic Reference Designators
Reference Designator Component Type
TR Transistor – an alternative widely used non-standard abbreviation
U Integrated circuit
VR Variable resistor

What is VR in physics electricity?

Ohm’s law may be expressed mathematically as V/I = R. That the resistance, or the ratio of voltage to current, for all or part of an electric circuit at a fixed temperature is generally constant had been established by 1827 as a result of the investigations of the German physicist Georg Simon Ohm.

What is a metal oxide varistor used for?

Varistors, also called metal-oxide varistors (MOVs), are used to protect sensitive circuits from a variety of overvoltage conditions. Essentially, these voltage-dependent, nonlinear devices have electrical characteristics similar to back-to- back Zener diodes.

What is VC circuit?

A virtual circuit (VC) is a means of transporting data over a packet-switched network in such a way that it appears as though there is a dedicated physical link between the source and destination end systems of this data. The term virtual circuit is synonymous with virtual connection.

How do you read a varistor?

Touch one meter probe to the free varistor lead and the other probe to the connected lead. Read the resistance on the meter. If it reads nearly infinite resistance, the varistor is still good. If it reads very low resistance, the varistor is blown.

What are wiring symbols?

Electrical symbols are a graphical representation of basic electrical and electronic devices or components. These Symbols are used in circuit and electrical diagrams to recognize a component. It is also called a schematic symbol.

Is V+ the same as VCC?

Well-known member. For 99% of all uses, it is the same thing. V+ = Vcc. The term originates from bipolar transistor circuits where Vcc and Vee were used for + and – of an NPN, and reversed polarity for a PNP.

What is VC device?

Short for virtual circuit, a VC is the direct connection or channel between two devices in a network.

What is VC in BJT?

The collector voltage, ( Vc ) must be greater and positive with respect to the emitter voltage, ( Ve ) to allow current to flow through the transistor between the collector-emitter junctions.

How do ohms work?

Ohm defines the unit of resistance of “1 Ohm” as the resistance between two points in a conductor where the application of 1 volt will push 1 ampere, or 6.241×10^18 electrons. This value is usually represented in schematics with the greek letter “Ω”, which is called omega, and pronounced “ohm”.

How do you solve IVR?

From this, we conclude that; Current equals Voltage divided by Resistance (I=V/R), Resistance equals Voltage divided by Current (R=V/I), and Voltage equals Current times Resistance (V=IR).

What is electrical circuit symbols collection?

Collection of Electrical Circuit Symbols. All electronic and electrical diagram symbols for reference and interpretation of devices and electrical schematic diagrams Electrical diagram symbols represents devices and components of electrical and electronic circuits.

What are the electrical drawing symbols?

In any electronic diagram or electrical scheme the electrical drawing symbols show the different elements a multi-line or single-line graphical form. As nowadays there is no single standard, most of the schematic symbols shown here, are represented in the main international standards.

What are basic analog and digital electrical and electronic symbols?

Basic analog and digital electrical and electronic symbols Symbol Description Symbol Description Positive polarity + symbols Negative polarity + symbols Oscillator / Crystal + symbols Relay + symbols Transformer + symbols Motor + symbols