What does Kussmaul stand for?

What does Kussmaul stand for?

Medical Definition of Kussmaul breathing : abnormal deep, rapid, labored breathing that occurs as an involuntary response to severe acidosis (such as that associated with diabetes or kidney failure)

What is Kussmaul breathing caused by?

The Kussmaul breathing pattern is caused by severe metabolic acidosis, which can complicate endogenous diseases such as diabetic ketoacidosis and uremia and also exogenous conditions such as salicylate poisoning.

What is the difference between Kussmaul and hyperventilation?

Kussmaul respiratory pattern occurs due to increased tidal volume with or without an increased respiratory rate. It is a form of hyperventilation. It results from stimulation of the respiratory center in the brain stem by low serum pH.

When does Kussmaul breathing occur?

Kussmaul respirations are fast, deep breaths that occur in response to metabolic acidosis. Kussmaul respirations happen when the body tries to remove carbon dioxide, an acid, from the body by quickly breathing it out. Diabetic ketoacidosis is the most common cause of Kussmaul respirations.

When do you see Kussmaul breathing?

Kussmaul breathing occurs only in advanced stages of acidosis, and is not commonly seen. Rapid, shallow breathing may be observed in less severe cases but Kussmaul breathing is a characteristic deep, gasping – even desperate – manner of respiratory distress.

What are Cheyne-Stokes respirations?

Cheyne-Stokes respiration is a specific form of periodic breathing (waxing and waning amplitude of flow or tidal volume) characterized by a crescendo-decrescendo pattern of respiration between central apneas or central hypopneas.

What are Cheyne Stokes respirations?

What is the difference between periodic breathing and Cheyne-Stokes?

The distinction lies in what is observed at the trough of ventilation: Cheyne–Stokes respiration involves apnea (since apnea is a prominent feature in their original description) while periodic breathing involves hypopnea (abnormally small but not absent breaths).

What is the end of life breathing called?

This pattern or respirations is known as Cheyne-Stokes breathing, named for the person who first described it, and usually indicates that death is very close (minutes to hours).

What does Cheyne-Stokes breathing indicate?

The presence of Cheyne-Stokes respirations, particularly when someone is awake, can indicate a poor prognosis. This is partially because the breathing pattern can lead to a vicious cycle in which the low blood oxygen caused by apneas can further damage the heart or cause problems with its rhythm.