What do cords mean at high school graduation?

What do cords mean at high school graduation?

Purple and white cords are for excellence in career and technical education and students of the National Technical Honor Society. Purple and gold cords are for excellence in Latin, while green and purple or worn by members of the Science National Honor Society.

What do graduation medallions mean?

Schools commonly recognize students who are top in class and second in class (valedictorian and salutatorian) as well as offering general honors and recognitions to students who place highly in their graduating body (with honors medallions).

What do different cords mean at graduation?

At some universities, pairs of honor cords, in the school colors, indicate honors graduates: one pair for cum laude, two pairs for magna cum laude, and three pairs for summa cum laude. These are in addition to any cords for membership in an honor society.

What does a gold cord mean at high school graduation?

Gold: This is the most popular cord color on graduation day. It can signify Latin honors for a high GPA, National Honor Society membership, and other academic honors.

What clubs do you get cords for in high school?

List of high school honor societies and the color of their cords

Excellence In Honor Society
Science Science National Honor Society
Spanish Spanish National Honor Society
Theater International Thespian Society
Technology Technology Student Association

Can you wear 2 medallions for graduation?

More than one graduation cord may be worn at the same time. Students qualifying academically may wear a medallion, which signifies this achievement. Members of organizations based on academic merit are eligible to wear graduation stoles representing such honor groups or societies.

What do double honor cords mean?

Double Honor Cords are used for a variety of different designations at graduation. For example, they can be used to designate that someone is graduating with honors or high honors in the case of cum laude, summa cum laude, and magna cum laude.

What does a GREY cord mean at high school graduation?

medical science
Silver/ Grey honor cords mainly awarded to the students who have to pursue degrees in medical science. Purple. The purple color cord is worn to reflect royalty and awarded to dental and law students. It is also awarded to the students who graduate with a degree in architecture and urban planning.

Can any club get cords?

There is no official policy that outlines which clubs can and cannot wear cords and sashes; however, some clubs have been turned down after asking administration to implement them.

How many medallions can you wear at graduation?

Medallions may be awarded for Academic Purposes only. For example, Honors and Order of Augusta. Students may wear a maximum of five honor cords, medallions or stoles.

How many honors cords can you wear?

The good news is that you don’t have to choose between a stole/sash and a cord(s); you can wear a cord and a stole/sash together and you can wear more than one cord. However, it’s not practical to wear more than one sash/stole, though some graduates may do it.

Can you wear multiple honor cords?

What does a Grey cord mean at graduation?