Is science a curse?

Is science a curse?

It is science and its inventions that make it possible. It has destroyed the old social system. He did not have the so-called blessings of science, but he did not need them. Of curse, there were wars and famines sometimes.

What is the impact of human to science?

Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water.

Is science a blessing or a curse short essay?

Science has revolutionized the human existence. Much of the progress that mankind has made in different fields right from the stone age to the modern age is due to the progress made in the field of science. Science has given man the means of travelling cars, trains, ships, etc. …

What is advantage of science and technology?

Advantages of Science and Technology Technology has made communication much simpler in recent times. Science has brought about groundbreaking solutions to numerous deadly diseases. Man is able to explore the space extensively because of the wide-scale development in technology. Our life has become healthier and longer.

Why is science important in life?

Science generates solutions for everyday life and helps us to answer the great mysteries of the universe. In other words, science is one of the most important channels of knowledge. Science, technology and innovation must drive our pursuit of more equitable and sustainable development.

Who is the first science?

Aristotle is considered by many to be the first scientist, although the term postdates him by more than two millennia. In Greece in the fourth century BC, he pioneered the techniques of logic, observation, inquiry and demonstration.

Is science a boon or bane?

Science is a double-edged weapon of the modern world. it is a boon as well as a bane. it is so because the changes that it has brought are useful as wee as harmful. it is such an effective tool that it has completely changed the complexion of the world.