How tall is bernadetta?

How tall is bernadetta?

Page actions

Gender Female
Age 17 (Part I) 23 (Part II)
Birthday 12th of the Ethereal Moon (December 12th)
Height 150 cm (Part I) 165 cm (Part II)
Family Count Varley (father)

What happened to bernadetta Fire Emblem?

She is unable to make it to the promised reunion five years later and her fate is left unknown. In all routes aside from Crimson Flower, she will return home to live in seclusion before the day of promise.

Can you recruit bernadetta?

Recruiting Bernadetta. If you want to recruit Bernadetta to a house different than Black Eagles, you will have to impress her. It can be done with a high bow skill and a high-strength stat. Get a minimum of C Support Rank with Bernadetta, which might decrease the threshold of recruiting her.

Who does bernadetta marry?

Fire Emblem Three Houses Endings. After some uncertainty about the details, it was decided that Caspar would marry into Bernadetta’s family, seeing as she had claim to House Varley. The two had a chaotic reign, and a marriage to match.

What gifts Seteth like?

Fire Emblem: Three Houses gift guide

Character Gifts and favorite flowers
Character Gifts and favorite flowers
Rhea Goddess Statuette, Landscape Painting, Ancient Coin
Seteth Fishing Float, Dapper Handkerchief, The History of Fodlan
Shamir Nevrand Book of Sheet Music, Coffee Beans, Exotic Spices, Hunting Dagger, Sunflower

Can I marry Claude Fire Emblem?

Both avatars were able to marry the bisexual character Edelgard, who is female. However, a new hack from Ningyoplug has expanded the amount of same-sex marriage options in the game, finally allowing us to marry the Golden Deer leader Claude as a male.

How tall is Ashe Fe?

Page actions

Gender Male
Birthday 17th of the Wyvern Moon (October 17th)
Height 164 cm (Part I) 174 cm (Part II)
Family Lonato (adoptive father) Christophe (adoptive brother, deceased) Unnamed brother and sister
Nationality Faerghus

Is Byleth a goddess?

Not only is Byleth a teacher, but Byleth also takes on Jesus’s other roles of King (in SS/VW endings), and Priest.