How much is the bus from Siem Reap to Bangkok?

How much is the bus from Siem Reap to Bangkok?

Siem Reap to Bangkok Bus Information

Avg. Bus Duration about 11 hours
Bus departs from Siem Reap
Avg. Ticket Price USD 28
Approx. Distance 402 km
Bus Companies Nattakan

Is there a train from Siem Reap to Bangkok?

To travel from Cambodia to Thailand, you have to take a bus. There is no passenger train connection between these two countries. There are daily direct bus connections from Siem Reap (Cambodia) to Bangkok (Thailand) with a journey time of about 9 hours. Buy your bus ticket from 700 THB (20 EUR).

How long is the bus from Bangkok to Siem Reap?

about 8 to 10 hours
Duration for bus from Bangkok to Siem Reap takes about 8 to 10 hours depending on the custom crowd and traffic. The coach will go directly to the border at Aranyaprathet, with a couple of stopovers along the way for resting.

How do I get from Siem Reap to Thailand?

Travel distance from Siem Reap to Bangkok by land is about 400 km. Between these cities operate some reliable bus companies, and you can take a tourist bus or comfortable minivan from Siem Reap to Bangkok. This way of transport can take about 7.5-13 hours. Bus tickets to Bangkok from Siem Reap cost about $22-32/pp.

How long do you need in Siem Reap?

three days
Siem Reap can’t be covered in one day—you’ll need at least three days to cover the huge expanse of the Angkor temples and other attractions in the area.

Are buses running from Bangkok to Siem Reap?

We compare all available buses departing from Bangkok and arriving in Siem Reap and show you the exact stops, all travel times, and of course the best ticket prices….Facts about the bus from Bangkok to Siem Reap.

Cheapest Bus $33.93
Daily Bus Routes 0 Ø
Distance 221.4 miles
Bus Companies Travel Mart, Giant Ibis Transport

Are land borders open between Thailand and Cambodia?

Is the border between Cambodia and Thailand open? Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Cambodia-Thailand land borders reopened on May 1st, 2022. Nevertheless, health measures are still being enforced. Travelers may be required to present documentation such as a vaccine certificate and health declaration to gain entry.

How many days do I need in Siem Reap?

Siem Reap can’t be covered in one day—you’ll need at least three days to cover the huge expanse of the Angkor temples and other attractions in the area. So unless you have a friend in the area with an extra bed, you’ll need to stay at a Siem Reap hotel or hostel while you’re in town.