How long does the Camino Finisterre take?

How long does the Camino Finisterre take?

The Camino Finisterre is a 90km trail from Santiago to Finisterra, on the western coast of Spain. The three- to four-day journey traverses the rugged countryside of Galicia, with its Celtic heritage. Medieval pilgrims believed that Finisterre (Latin, meaning “the end of the world”) was literally the end of the world.

What is the most beautiful section of the Camino de Santiago?

Camino del Norte. The Northern Way is arguably the most scenic, running along the Bay of Biscay coast from foodie San Sebastián, via Bilbao and Santander and an array of beautiful beaches, to Oviedo; from here you can join the Camino Primitivo to reach Santiago.

What is the best Camino to walk?

Camino Francés: the classic Camino route While it is not the oldest route, the Camino Francés has definitely become synonymous with ‘The Camino’ and it is by far the best known and most transited of all the Camino routes; although the trail starts getting busier mainly on the last stages into Santiago.

What is the Camino de Santiago to Finisterre?

The Camino de Santiago (The Way of St. James) to Finisterre is the only route that walks along the Atlantic coast following the Finisterre Way (or “Camino de Finisterre” in Spanish), from Santiago to Finisterre, to the place known as “ The End of the World”.

Do you need a lot of clothes for the Camino de Santiago?

Contrary to what you may think, either you travel the Camino de Santiago for 15 days or just a bridge, you do not need a lot of clothes to do it.

How long does it take to complete the Camino de Santiago?

This is the only trail starting in Santiago de Compostela and takes pilgrims West to the stunning Atlantic coast of Galicia. Over 4 days you will join many pilgrims in continuing their journey to the end of the Camino at Cap Finisterre (Fisterra).

Why is the Camino de Santiago so famous?

This Camino route pre-dates Christianity, as pagans would head to mythical Cape Fisterra on the Costa da Morte (Coast of Death) where they believed the sun died and the worlds of the dead and the living became closer. Prayers would be said and offerings would be made to please the gods. It was a place rich in pagan rites, myths, and legends.