How far do sidewall sprinklers spray?

How far do sidewall sprinklers spray?

8.7. 5.1. 3

Distance from Sidewall Sprinkler to Side of Obstruction (A) Maximum Allowable Distance of Deflector Above Bottom of Obstruction (B) [in. (mm)]
5 ft 6 in. (1.7 m) to less than 6 ft (1.8 m) 3 (75)
6 ft (1.8 m) to less than 6 ft 6 in. (2.0 m) 4 (100)
6 ft 6 in. (2.0 m) to less than 7 ft (2.1 m) 6 (150)

When should I use sprinkler sidewall?

Sidewall fire sprinklers, as the name suggests, protrude from the side of a wall, as opposed to hanging down from the ceiling. Sidewall fire sprinklers are ideal to use in situations where ceiling access is limited or where freezing is a potential concern.

What is the coverage of a sidewall sprinkler?

MAXIMUM COVERAGE Standard spray coverage is up to: Light Hazard = 196 square feet(18,2 sq. m); Ordinary Hazard = 100 square feet(9,3 sq. m)per NFPA 13.

What is the standard distance between sprinklers?

5.2. 1 of NFPA 13, which states that the distance from the sprinkler to the wall can be no more than one-half the allowable distance between sprinklers. The max distance between standard spray sprinklers in light hazard settings is 15 ft. (4.6 m) (with exceptions for light-hazard, combustible concealed spaces).

What is the minimum distance between sprinkler and wall?

4 inches
The minimum spacing between two sprinklers is 6 feet. The maximum distance a sprinkler can be installed from a wall is half the maximum spacing between two sprinklers. The minimum distance a sprinkler can be installed from a wall is 4 inches.

Can fire sprinklers be on the wall?

The Automist system introduces a few unique features, the most interesting one being the tiny nozzle used to douse fires. Only three-fourths of an inch in diameter, the sprinkler is placed on walls instead of the traditional ceiling position.

Why upright sprinklers are used?

Upright sprinklers are used mostly in places where obstructions may block water spray during a fire, and their height allows them to aim water around possible obstacles. One downside is that the pipeline in an upright sprinkler can become an obstacle in itself to effective water flow coverage during operation.

How do I calculate sprinkler coverage?

Take the sprinkler head watering DIAMETER and multiply it by 0.6 to get the absolute maximum distance that should ever occur between any two adjacent sprinklers. (Remember most manufacturer’s give you the radius of the sprinkler, you need to multiply by 2 to get the diameter.)

How far do sprinkler heads spray?

Spray heads: Best used for small to medium sized lawns and/or in systems that will be operating with pressure between 20 – 30 PSI. Because of the lower PSI the distance of the spray rarely exceeds 15ft. Meaning that spray heads should never be placed further than 15 ft.

What is minimum distance between two sprinklers?

6 feet

What is an upright sprinkler head?

What is an upright sprinkler head? Upright fire sprinklers spray water upward to a concave deflector, producing a dome-shaped spray pattern. They install deflector-up to cover specific areas and to prevent ice and debris from collecting in the head.

What is the difference between upright sprinkler and pendent sprinkler?

Upright sprinklers are installed with deflectors above the sprinkler, while pendent sprinklers have deflectors below the sprinklers. Common industry practice is to use upright sprinklers in areas without finished ceilings and pendent sprinklers in areas with finished ceilings.

What is the maximum distance between two sprinklers?

15 ft.
5.2. 1 of NFPA 13, which states that the distance from the sprinkler to the wall can be no more than one-half the allowable distance between sprinklers. The max distance between standard spray sprinklers in light hazard settings is 15 ft. (4.6 m) (with exceptions for light-hazard, combustible concealed spaces).

What are sidewall sprinklers?

By and large, most sidewall sprinkler heads are horizontal sidewall sprinklers. They’re designed to point parallel to the floor. The white sprinklers along this decorative trim under the ceiling take advantage of pipes concealed within the walls. Source: A.L. Fire Protection

Should sprinklers be mounted on the ceiling or walls?

Among them: For the most part, heads placed near the ceiling face fewer obstructions (like furniture, cabinets, and other large objects) that might get in the way But there are also good reasons to mount sprinklers along walls—and plenty of ways to do it, too, thanks to the sidewall sprinkler head.

What are the distribution patterns for reliable sprinklers?

The distribution patterns are provided to illustrate the approximate water spray trajectories for various Reliable sprinklers at pressures of 7, 15 and 30 psi, unless otherwise noted.

Which sprinkler heads are right for your project?

With a variety of temperatures, finishes, and orifice sizes for residential and commercial heads—both quick and standard response—our selection has sprinkler heads suited to almost any project. QRFS has commercial sidewall heads rated for temperatures including 286 degrees Fahrenheit, 200 degrees, and 155-degree models like this Viking VK305.