How do you set up side chain compression in Ableton?

How do you set up side chain compression in Ableton?

How to Use Sidechain Compression in Ableton

  1. Load Ableton’s Glue Compressor onto the Track You Want to Compress.
  2. Click the Sidechain Toggle Button.
  3. Enable the Sidechain Input.
  4. Select a Sidechain Input Signal.
  5. Enable the Sidechain EQ.
  6. Filter the Sidechain Input Signal.
  7. Set the Attack, Release, Ratio, and Threshold.

How do I compress in Ableton?

How to use the Ableton COMPRESSOR audio effect

  1. From the Browser, search for Audio Effects -> Compressor:
  2. Drag and Drop the Compressor audio effect on top of the audio track labeled as “1 Audio”.
  3. Apply the previous configuration, and the Compressor audio effect should look like this:

What is side chain compression?

Sidechain compression is when the level of one instrument or sound triggers a compressor to act on another. We’ll get into a bit more detail later in this article about common methods of use, but one common use of sidechain compression is in electronic dance music (EDM).

What is compression ratio Ableton?

Ratio: the intensity of the compression for signals above the threshold. For example, at a ratio of 2:1, a signal that is 2dB above the threshold will be attenuated by 1dB. At a ratio of 10:1, that same signal will be attenuated by 1.8dB.

What is parallel processing Ableton?

Parallel processing is a technique used to separate an audio input into different layers so that you can process those multiple signal paths independently. Ableton Live’s Instrument, Drum, and Audio Effect Racks enable you to create multiple device chains that split the input signal into different channels.

What does side chain compression do?

Sidechain compression is particularly popular in dance pop because it allows instruments to cut through a mix at all times. When other instruments in a mix get louder, the sidechain effect increases so that the track it’s on will never be drowned out.

Should I use parallel compression?

Although most commonly used on drums and vocals, parallel compression can be used whenever you need to increase the presence and punch of an instrument, but still want to keep the dynamic quality of the original audio.