How do you praise someone with good voice?

How do you praise someone with good voice?

Judges comments

  1. “Great musicianship, you play with confidence and vocally you have a really good tone.”
  2. “Vocally you have a great tone and really good control on the high notes, a great overall performance.”
  3. “Vocally you have a booming voice and bags of character in your tone.”
  4. “Great power and control are all there!”

How do you write cuties?

Cutie can also be used as a term of endearment and affection that’s especially used to refer to or to address young children, much like sweetheart, sweetie, or darling. Cutie can also be spelled as cutey, but this is much less common. Example: Your nephew is such a cutie—look at that sweet face!

What does a cutie pie look like?

The definition of cutie pie is a term of endearment often used for someone who is considered to be adorable or charming in some way. An example of cutie pie is a five-year-old with pig-tails in her hair and a big grin.

Can you call a girl cutie pie?

cutie pie. The definition of cutie pie is a term of endearment often used for someone who is considered to be adorable or charming in some way. An example of cutie pie is a five-year-old with pig-tails in her hair and a big grin. “Cutie-pie.” YourDictionary.

What’s a fancy word for handsome?

What is another word for handsome?

attractive gorgeous
beautiful fetching
fit hunky
likely ravishing
suave dapper

How do you describe a male singing voice?

You can use the word baritone to mean the singer himself, or as an adjective to describe his voice. A baritone singing voice is the most common one for a man, falling in between the higher tenor and lower bass registers.

What is mesmerizing voice?

to hold completely the attention or interest of someone: Her beautiful voice mesmerized the audience.

Is being called cute good for a girl?

Being called “cute” is a wonderful compliment to either a man or a woman. The word cute is typically used as a synonym to the words “very attractive”. Some people use “cute” instead of “beautiful” because the word cute has less of an emotional charge to it while conveying a similar idea.

What is a cutie pie?

: a cute person : sweetheart.

Is cutie pie a good nickname?

A lovely nickname for a lover who is very sweet and charming in all her ways.

Why do guys call me cutie?

It means he thinks you are attractive. I’m starting to see a 32 year old guy and I’m 27. He calls me cutie, but never hot or pretty.

How do you respond to cutie pie?

Say thank you(: or if that’s not the response you’re expecting from her let her know. Cute can be a lot of things….On those occasions where someone has called me cute, I will usually say something like:

  1. Thank you!
  2. Thank you!
  3. You take that back!
  4. My dear lady, are you flirting with me?

How do you spell cutie pie?

Correct spelling for the English word “cutiepie” is [kjˈuːtɪpˌa͡ɪ], [kjˈuːtɪpˌa‍ɪ], [k_j_ˈuː_t_ɪ_p_ˌaɪ] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What does cutie mean from a guy?

attractive, good looking

Why is it called cutie pie?

The earliest reference I could dig up was a pony named “Cutie Pie” who won a modest sum in a show ponies convention in 1919, so it’s possible that the term was in use as a diminutive nickname, perhaps to mean something like cute + sweet (as a pie).