How do you force Excel to open in a new instance by default?

How do you force Excel to open in a new instance by default?

Hold down the Alt key and left-click Excel in the menu. Hold down the Alt key until the confirmation dialog box appears. Click Yes to get directly to a new Excel instance.

How do you get Excel to always open in a new window?

Open Excel workbooks in new windows with holding Shift key and clicking in Taskbar. For the usage of lowest versions of Excel, with holding the Shift key and clicking the Excel icon in the Taskbar, you can open Excel workbooks in multiple windows.

How do I open Excel as a different user?

Simply hold down the Shift key and right-click on the executable file, select Run as different user from the context menu. Next you have to enter the user name and the password of the user which we want use to open the application. Runas is a very useful command in Windows.

How do you stop Excel from opening multiple instances?

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Close button (the X in the upper-right corner) of the window that you do not want. NOTE: If you click Close on the File menu, Excel closes all windows that contain the workbook.
  2. Repeat step 1 until only the window that you want is open.
  3. Press CTRL+S to save the workbook.

Why does Excel open in the same window?

My Problem: Microsoft Excel opens each new worksheet in the same window. I want each new file to open in a new Excel program window, so that each new worksheet excel does not open in the same window. Solution: To fix this, you need to tell Excel that you want each new window to open separately from your old file.

How do I open an application with a different user?

To Run a program as a different user, simply press the Shift key and right-click on the shortcut or executable you wish to Run as different user. From the right-click context menu, select Run as different user.

Can multiple users work on the same Excel file?

You and your colleagues can open and work on the same Excel workbook. This is called co-authoring. When you co-author, you can see each other’s changes quickly—in a matter of seconds.

Why do two instances of Excel open?

Believe it or not, this problem is actually a feature of Excel. What you are seeing is two windows, both open on the same workbook. Excel allows you to create multiple windows on the same workbook by using the Window | New Window.

What is a new instance of Excel?

Each iteration of Excel.exe in Task Manager is known as one “instance”. Excel has some features that are dependent on the instance it is running inside. You can see it as Excel only being able to communicate fully between files that are running in the same instance.

How do I open 2 Excel spreadsheets in separate Windows?

View two worksheets in the same workbook side by side

  1. On the View tab, in the Window group, click New Window.
  2. On the View tab, in the Window group, click View Side by Side .
  3. In each workbook window, click the sheet that you want to compare.
  4. To scroll both worksheets at the same time, click Synchronous Scrolling.

How do I open computer Management as a different user?

Use Run As to start a program as another user Locate the program that you want to start in Windows Explorer, the Microsoft Management Console (MMC), or Control Panel. Press and hold down the SHIFT key while you right-click the .exe file or icon for the program, and then click Run as.

How do I Run programs and features as a different user in Windows 10?


  1. Click start button, tyep in CMD, right click CMD and choose Run as administrator. You will be asked for the password of the adminstrator account.
  2. Type in MMC and then press enter. It also works for CPL files.
  3. Click File->Add/Remove Snap-in, then add the item you want to use.

How do I allow multiple users to edit an Excel spreadsheet at the same time?

In Excel click the Review tab and then click Share Workbook. The Share Workbook window will pop up. Check off Allow changes by more then one user at the same time. This also allows workbook merging.

How do you stop Excel 2019 from opening multiple instances?


  1. Click the Close button (the X in the upper-right corner) of the window that you do not want. NOTE: If you click Close on the File menu, Excel closes all windows that contain the workbook.
  2. Repeat step 1 until only the window that you want is open.
  3. Press CTRL+S to save the workbook.

How many instances of Excel can you open?

To prevent this, you can open two separate instances of Excel before running a resource consuming task. Having multiple instances open allows you to use one instance to run an intensive task, while you continue working in another.

How do I open two Excel files with the same name?

2) For each additional instance of Excel that you want to open, hold down the ‘Alt’ key prior to clicking on the Excel app AND CONTINUE holding down the ‘Alt’ key until the prompt appears. Select the ‘Yes’ option to open the additional instance of Excel.

How do I open Excel 2016 in the same window?

Open Multiple Workbooks in the Same Window

  1. If the Excel Application is already opened, we can use the Open command from the File Menu and select multiple Excel Workbooks to Open in the Same Window.
  2. If the Excel Application is already opened, we can drag the workbooks and drop in already opened Excel Application Window.

How do I Run a program as another user in Windows 10?

How to Run an App as a Different User in Windows 10

  1. Open File Explorer and go to the folder which contains the required app.
  2. Press and hold the Shift key and right-click on the file.
  3. In the context menu, select Run as different user.
  4. Enter the new credentials and click OK to run the app.

How to Force Excel to open new instance by default?

Edit the Registry: Force Excel to Open New Instance by Default 1. Open New Instance of Excel 1.1. Alt + Open Excel The first method to open a new Excel instance is the Alt + Open method. It works as follows: Right click on the Excel icon in the taskbar. As the menu appears, hold down the Alt-key and left-click on the ‘Excel’ menu option.

How do I open an Excel file in a different instance?

To open the file in a second instance, first double click (left mouse button) to open the file. This triggers an opening event. Right after clicking, press and hold your Alt-key until the new instance pop-up appears. After confirming yes you have now opened your Excel file in a another instance!

How to create a new Excel instance?

To do this: Click Start -> enter ‘ Run ’ -> fill in “ Excel.exe /x ” and press enter. Or on Windows 10: enter “ Excel.exe /x ” in the start menu and press enter. A new Excel instance will open. 1.6. Use VBA This method makes use of VBA.

Can I open Each workbook in a new instance of Excel?

However, in some situations, you may want to open each workbook in a new instance, such as: You’re working with large Excel workbooks. You want to undo actions in only the active workbook. This article explains how to do so by configuring a registry key.