How do you care for an Epiphyllum plant?

How do you care for an Epiphyllum plant?

Keep them away from radiators and other heat sources, and out of cold draughts. Epiphyllum cacti like lots of bright, filtered light. But keep them out of strong midday sun, especially in summer, as this can scorch them. They need moderate to high humidity, so stand the container in a tray of damp gravel.

Does Epiphyllum need sun?

Caring for Epiphyllum Cacti Choose a filtered light location for growing Epiphyllum cactus. A site where they get full morning sun but shelter from high noon light is best for their growth. Use a diluted fertilizer of 10-10-10 during the growth periods in spring and fall.

Can Epiphyllum be grown indoors?

Growing Conditions Epiphyllums are hardy to about 50 °F (10 °C) but require at least 60 °F (15 °C) during the growing season, so they are best grown in a heated greenhouse or indoors. Place the pots in bright filtered light with moderate to high humidity.

Do Epiphyllum only bloom at night?

Epiphyllum oxypetalum, the Dutchman’s pipe cactus, princess of the night or queen of the night, is a species of cactus. It rarely blooms and only at night, and its flowers wilt before dawn.

How do I get my Epiphyllum to flower?

Usually Epiphyllum must be root bound before they will bloom. This means their roots must fill the container before they will produce blossoms. If plants are in a 4 inch pot they will flower faster than if grown in a 8 inch pot.

How often should I water my Epiphyllum?

Rooted cuttings should not be allowed to dry out. Water lightly at first and then water once a week. The only exception is in the winter months when the cactus “rests”. Water during this time about once a month.

How often do you water Epiphyllum?

Two (and only two) of the leaf serrations should be below the soil level. Place the pot in a bright shaded place. Rooted cuttings should not be allowed to dry out. Water lightly at first and then water once a week.

Can you plant Epiphyllum on the ground?

Unless you can offer your epiphyllums mild temperatures, dappled sunlight, humidity, and porous potting mix, then it’s best to stick with growing them indoors. They like similar conditions to orchids and bromeliads. Grown outdoors, they should have protection from strong winds and ample air circulation.

When should Epiphyllum be repotted?

Epiphyllums are quite unfussy plants in many ways and can continue for a long time in the same pot and medium, flowering every year without needing a repot (they prefer to be pot-bound), but every once in a while, they do need to be repotted.

Is Epiphyllum a succulent?

Epiphyllum plants are native to tropical regions of Mexico, Central America, South America, and parts of the Caribbean—especially rainforests in those regions, as the plant thrives in hot, humid climates. They’re succulents, and the majority of them are also trailing plants.

Comment appelle-t-on les épiphyllum hybrides?

Les Epiphyllum hybrides ou Epiphyllum x sont généralement appelés Epicactus. Les tiges vertes et charnues des Epiphyllums sont aplaties et rubaniformes. Le port de la plante est buissonnant ou retombant. Souvent dentées ou côtelées, les tiges portent de petites aréoles dépourvues d’aiguillons.

Quels sont les différents types d’Epiphyllum?

C’est la principale espèce d’ Epiphyllum qui servira aux hybridations. Ces dernières débutent en Europe dès les années 1830 suite à l’introduction de Disocactus phyllantoides (syn. Nopalxochia p .) suivie de celle de Heliocereus speciosus, deux cactées épiphytes de la flore américaine.

Comment planter des graines d’épiphyllum?

Prélevez une tige saine que vous laisserez sécher quelques jours avant de replanter dans un mélange composé d’un quart de terreau pour trois quarts de sable de rivière. Il est également possible de semer des graines d’épiphyllum, dans une mini serre chauffante, au printemps.

Qu’est-ce que les epiphyllums?

G n ralit s. Les Epiphyllums sont des cactées épiphytes poussant dans les forêts tropicales humides d’Amérique centrale et des Antilles. Le genre comprend environ une vingtaine d’espèces et de nombreuses variétés et cultivars, car la plante est très appréciée des collectionneurs.