How do I check my RSpec coverage?

How do I check my RSpec coverage?

Open coverage/index. html in your browser window to view the report. Try to get the coverage to 100% by writing RSpec tests. Every time you add a test, run rspec to see if the test is passing.

How to use RSpec in Rails?

Setting up Rspec

  1. Step 1 — Delete Any Existing Test Folders.
  2. Step 2 — Add Gems.
  3. Step 3 — Run Rspec Generator.
  4. Step 4 — Configure Rspec.
  5. Step 5 — Write Tests.
  6. 10 Essential Modules to Start Building Your Drupal Site from Scratch: Toolkit Must-Haves.

How SimpleCov works?

SimpleCov tries to guess the name of the currently running test suite based upon the shell command the tests are running on. This should work fine for Unit Tests, RSpec, and Cucumber. If it fails, it will use the shell command that invoked the test suite as a command name.

What is Ruby RSpec?

RSpec is a testing tool for Ruby, created for behavior-driven development (BDD). It is the most frequently used testing library for Ruby in production applications. Even though it has a very rich and powerful DSL (domain-specific language), at its core it is a simple tool which you can start using rather quickly.

How do you use a simple COV?

simplecov in your tests.

  1. Add to Gemfile. group :test do gem ‘simplecov’, require: false end. And run bundle in the root directory of your project.
  2. Add to . gitignore. Do not commit generated files in the coverage directory. coverage/*
  3. Add to top of spec/spec_helper. rb or test/test_helper. rb. require ‘simplecov’ SimpleCov.

Is RSpec unit test?

RSpec is a unit test framework for the Ruby programming language. RSpec is different than traditional xUnit frameworks like JUnit because RSpec is a Behavior driven development tool.

What is the difference between RSpec and cucumber?

The main difference between RSpec and Cucumber are the business readability factor. Cucumber’s main draw is that the specification (features) are separate from the test code, so your product owners can provide or review the specification without having to dig through code.

Is RSpec BDD or TDD?

RSpec is a Behavior-Driven Development tool for Ruby programmers. BDD is an approach to software development that combines Test-Driven Development, Domain Driven Design and Acceptance Test-Driven Planning. RSpec helps you do the TDD part of that equation, focusing on the documentation and design aspects of TDD.

What is the difference between Rspec and cucumber?

Is Rspec a gem?

Description. rspec is a meta-gem, which depends on the rspec-core, rspec-expectations and rspec-mocks gems. Each of these can be installed separately and loaded in isolation using require .

What is cucumber in RSpec?

RSpec. Cucumber. 1. A testing framework which gives the option to build and execute tests. A tool which is used to create test cases in plain English text.

How do you run a cucumber test in rails?

Enable Cucumber support in Rails applications In the Setup Cucumber Support dialog, choose the test framework for Cucumber, specify the required options, and click OK. RubyMine will run the cucumber:install generator that sets up Cucumber in your Rails project and generates necessary files in the features directory.

What is LCOV code coverage?

LCOV is a graphical tool for GCC’s coverage testing with gcov. It creates HTML pages containing the source code annotated with coverage information by collecting gcov data from multiple source files. LCOV supports “Lines coverage” and “Functions coverage” measurement.

Is RSpec used for unit testing?

Is RSpec a gem?

What is Capybara cucumber?

cucumber is a BDD tool that expresses testing scenarios in a business-readable, domain-specific language. capybara is an automated testing tool (often used) for ROR applications.

What is RSpec in Cucumber?

Why Cucumber is used in rail application?

Cucumber-Rails is a gem that Rails projects can use to install cucumber and create its configuration. Cucumber-Rails will detect whether the RSpec gems are installed. If so, then the rails generator builds the environment files to suit. If not, it ignores RSpec and configures for test-unit instead.