How do City of London elections work?

How do City of London elections work?

The City of London is divided into 25 wards and 125 members are elected to represent them. Each ward elects one Alderman and two or more Common Councillors, depending on it’s population, totalling 100 Common Councillors and 25 Aldermen.

Who are the Aldermen of the City of London?


  • The Rt Hon. The Lord Mayor Vincent Keaveny (Alderman)
  • Ian Luder (Alderman)
  • Sir David Hugh Wootton (Alderman)
  • Sir Alan Colin Drake Yarrow (Alderman)
  • Sir Andrew Charles Parmley, (Alderman)
  • Sir Charles Edward Beck Bowman (Alderman)
  • Sir Peter Estlin (Alderman)
  • Sir William Anthony Bowater Russell (Alderman)

How do you become an Alderman in London?

Currently, to become an Alderman, candidates must be a Justice of the Peace or be considered suitable by the Lord Chancellor’s Advisory Committee for Justices of the Peace for appointment as a Justice of the Peace for the Central London Local Justices Area.

What is a common Councillor?

Becoming a councillor in the City (known as a Common Councillor or Member of the Court of Common Council) enables people to play a valuable part in the running of the Square Mile, contribute to civic life generally and make a difference to the quality of people’s lives.

How many times can you be Mayor of London?

Background. The mayor of London has responsibilities covering policing, transport, housing, planning, economic development, arts, culture and the environment. They control a budget of around £17 billion per year. Mayors are typically elected for a period of four years, with no limit to the number of terms served.

How many aldermen are there in London?

25 Aldermen
There are currently 100 Common Councillors and 25 Aldermen serving as elected representatives, representing public interest and informing how the City of London Corporation should carry out its various activities.

How many aldermans are in London?

twenty-five aldermen
The Court of Aldermen forms part of the senior governance of the City of London Corporation. It comprises twenty-five aldermen of the City of London, presided over by the Lord Mayor (becoming senior alderman during his year of office).

How much do UK councillors get paid?

Councillors do not get paid a salary, however they do receive an annual allowance which reimburses them for time they have spent on council duties, as well as telephone and other office expenses. To find out more about councillor allowances, visit our councillors’ allowances section.

What power do councillors have?

A councillor’s primary role is to represent their ward or division and the people who live in it. Councillors provide a bridge between the community and the council.

How do you address an Alderman in the UK?

How to Address an Alderman

  1. —-Envelope or address block on letter or email: —-—-The Honorable (Full Name) —-—-(Name of Council) —-—-(Address)
  2. —-Address block for a letter or email: —-—-The Honorable (Full Name) —-—-Chairman/Chairwoman/Chair/Member. —-—-(Name of Council)
  3. —-Conversation: —-—-Mr./Ms./Dr./etc. ( Surname)

What is the salary of the UK Prime Minister?

Salary of the Prime Minister

Date Entitlement Claimed
1 Apr 2017 £153,907 £151,451
1 Apr 2018 £155,602 £152,819
1 Apr 2019 £158,754 £154,908
1 Apr 2020 £161,866 £157,372

The City of London is divided into 25 wards and 125 members are elected to represent them. Each ward elects one Alderman and two or more Common Councillors, depending on it’s population, totalling 100 Common Councillors and 25 Aldermen.

How many aldermanic elections are there in 2022?

There will be three Aldermanic elections held on 25/26 May 2022 in the wards of Aldersgate, Cornhill and Cordwainer. The timeframes of these are now available.

How many councillors are in each ward in London?

The City of London is divided into 25 wards and 125 members are elected to represent them. Each ward elects one Alderman and two or more Common Councillors, depending on it’s population, totalling 100 Common Councillors and 25 Aldermen. Full City-wide elections are held every four years with By-elections and Aldermanic elections in between.