How big is Gunung Leuser National Park?

How big is Gunung Leuser National Park?

3,061 mi²Mount Leuser National Park / Area

What does Leuser mean?

place where animals go to die
The origin of the names, Loser and Leuser, are obscure. One source informs that Leuser is a Gayo word meaning “place where animals go to die”.

Where is Mount Leuser located?

Sumatra, Indonesia
The national park, settled in the Barisan mountain range, is named after Mount Leuser (3,119 m), and protects a wide range of ecosystems….Mount Leuser National Park.

Gunung Leuser National Park
Location Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates 3°30′N 97°30′E
Area 792,700 acres (3,208 km2)
Established 1980

How do you get to Gunung Leuser National Park?

Get in

  1. By plane. Medan holds the nearest big airport for accessing the region.
  2. By bus. From Bukit Lawang – Medan – a one-way bus fare on large, non air-conditioned buses from Medan (Pinang Baris Bus Terminal) to Bukit Lawang, 86 km by road to the north-west, was Rp 20,000 per person (in August 2015), 3-4 hours.
  3. By car.

Can you visit Leuser National Park?

Bukit Lawang, the usual starting point of all our tours, is considered to be one of the best gateways to the many marvels of the Gunung Leuser National Park. The surrounding forest still offers big opportunities to observe Sumatran orangutans and a variety of other habitants of the jungle.

What are the crises the Gunung Leuser National Park is facing right now?

Consequently, the Leuser Ecosystem has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Danger. In addition to palm oil, it faces accelerating threats by illegal and commercial interests in logging, mining, ill-advised energy projects, and the fragmentation of forests by new roads.

How do you pronounce Leuser?

At six-and-a-half-million acres, the Leuser Ecosystem (pronounced “low sir”) is like no place on Earth — it’s the last place where Sumatran orangutans, elephants, tigers, rhinos and sun bears all roam the same habitat.

What is special about Leuser Ecosystem?

The Leuser Ecosystem in Indonesia is a world-class wonderland covering over 6.5 million acres of intact rainforest. It is a hotspot for biological diversity, a carbon storage powerhouse and the source of drinking water and agricultural livelihood for millions.

Why is Leuser Ecosystem important?

Importance of the Leuser Ecosystem The Leuser Ecosystem serves as a water catchment and regulates water flow for millions of local people in Aceh. It provides clean water for drinking, washing, fisheries and agriculture like rice growing.

What are the animals and wildlife protected in Gunung Leuser Nature Reserve?

Stretching into the northern province of Aceh on Sumatra, Gunung Leuser National Park is home to Sumatran orangutans (one of the two endemic species to this island), Thomas-leaf monkeys endemic to the Leuser rainforests, bands of macaques, hornbills, sun bears, unique butterflies and the last remaining populations of …

How big is the Leuser Ecosystem?

Is the Leuser Ecosystem protected?

In recognition of its incredible importance, for both biodiversity and humans alike, the Leuser Ecosystem was listed in 2013 as one of the World’s Most Irreplaceable Protected Areas.

Dimana letak Gunung Leuser?

Gunung Leuser berada di Kampung Penosan Sepakat Kecamatan Blang Jerango Kabupaten Gayo Lues – Aceh.

Bagaimana cara masuk ke jalur pendakian Gunung Leuser?

Pintu gerbang utama untuk masuk ke Jalur Pendakian Gunung Leuser adalah Keudah yang juga merupakan kawasan ekowisata yang berbatasan langsung dengan Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser, untuk menuju puncak Leuser dan Loser memakan waktu rata-rata 6 s/d 7 hari. Mata pencaharian masyarakat umumnya adalah petani dengan mayoritas bersuku Gayo.

Bagaimana peta topografi Gunung Leuser?

Pada peta topografi terdapat 2 puncak gunung yang saling berdekatan yaitu Leuser (3.319 m dpl) dan Loser (3.404 m dpl) ditandai dengan adanya pilar triangulasi dan dari sini puncak Leuser dapat dicapai sekitar 2 jam lagi berjalan melintasi punggungan gunung. Di dekat puncak Gunung Leuser terdapat sebuah telaga kecil dengan air yang jernih.

Apa perbedaan pendakian ke puncak Gunung Leuser dengan wisatawan nusantara?

Pendakian ke Puncak Gunung Leuser umumnya diminati wisatawan mancanegara dengan dipandu oleh pemandu lokal. Sedangkan wisatawan nusantara biasanya adalah dari kelompok mahasiswa pencinta alam. Sedangkan kunjungan ke lokasi air terjun “Uning” dilakukan oleh wisatawan nusantara/lokal dan mancanegara.