Does somalia have an intelligence agency?

Does somalia have an intelligence agency?

The National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) (Somali: Hay’ada Sirdoonka iyo Nabadsugida Qaranka (HSNQ)) is the national intelligence agency of the Federal Republic of Somalia. It is headquartered in Mogadishu. The NISA is also closely intertwined with the Somali Armed Forces and regularly cooperates with them.

How big is the Somali military?

Somali Armed Forces
Chief of Defence Force Brigadier General Odowaa Yusuf Rageh
Active personnel apx 500,000 (2020)

Which country has the best intelligence in Africa?

KENYA RANKED BEST IN AFRICA IN GOVERNMENT READINESS FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Kenya has been ranked best in Africa and 52nd Globally in the recently released Government Artificial Intelligence Readiness Index 2019.

Who is the leader of Al Shabaab?

Ahmad Umar
Al-Shabaab (militant group)

حركة الشباب المجاهدين
Seal Logo Jihadist flag used by al-Shabaab
Leaders Ahmad Umar (2014–present) Ahmed Godane † (2007–14)
Dates of operation 2006–present

What rank is Somalia army?

139 of 142 out
For 2022, Somalia is ranked 139 of 142 out of the countries considered for the annual GFP review.

Who has the lowest IQ in Africa?

These are the top 20 African countries with the lowest Average IQ (Intelligence Quotient)….Top 10 African Countries With The Highest Average IQ.

Country Rank Average IQ
Sierra Leone 1 91
Mauritius 2 89
Seychelles 3 86
Eritrea 4 85

Who has the best military in Africa?

The state leads in the broader African continent with unfailing troops. This means that Egypt has the strongest army in Africa. The fact that Egypt has an estimated population of about 104,898,490 and over 920,000 army members confirms its defensiveness. Even better, this nation has a power index of 0.2216.

Is Somali army powerful?

For 2022, Somalia is ranked 139 of 142 out of the countries considered for the annual GFP review. It holds a PwrIndx* score of 11.8854 (a score of 0.0000 is considered ‘perfect’).

What do the insurgents in Mozambique want?

Since 2017, jihadist militias in the northern Mozambique province of Cabo Delgado have mounted an armed insurgency against the Mozambican government. Their stated objective is to instil Sharia law across northern Mozambique.