Why is my discharge pink and smelly after period?

Why is my discharge pink and smelly after period?

It may be associated with the menstrual cycle, use of birth control or hormonal changes. However, in some cases, pink discharge can be a sign of other conditions that require assessment, especially if there are also other symptoms (like abdominal pain, nausea, or foul odor).

Why is my discharge pinkish and smelly?

Pink discharge could also be a sign of an infection in your vagina. Potential causes could be an STI (sexually transmitted infection) or vaginitis. Pregnancy, including ectopic. When a fertilized egg implants itself in your uterine wall, you may bleed a little, causing pink discharge.

Is it normal for discharge to smell right after period?

A menstrual period consists of the shedding of an unfertilized egg, blood, and uterine lining tissues. It’s completely normal for this combination to have a slight odor after it exits the vagina. This is most likely related to the vaginal substance itself, but bacteria and acidity can also play a role.

Can BV cause light pink discharge?

Sometimes, a non-sexually transmitted infection like bacterial vaginosis or yeast can cause an infection and inflammation of the cervix, leading to pinkish discharge. Know that a small amount of vaginal odor is normal, but if you smell something stronger, it could signal an infection.

What STD causes pink discharge?

Infections Many infections, including common sexually transmitted infections (STIs), can cause spotting or pinkish-brown discharge. The following infections are among those that can cause spotting: chlamydia. gonorrhea.

Can a yeast infection have pink discharge?

Many women experience yeast infections and they cause many different symptoms, including discharge that has the consistency of cottage cheese, as well as some spotting or light bleeding. Light bleeding or spotting can mix with discharge, causing the said discharge to appear watery and pink.

What does infected Lochia smell like?

Lochia will smell like menstrual blood. Some describe it as musty, metallic, sour or stale. However, it shouldn’t smell fishy or foul. This could mean bacteria has gotten into your vagina and caused an infection.

Why do I always get BV after my period?

Bacterial vaginosis comes down to an imbalance of your vagina’s pH levels. The normal range for your vagina’s pH is 3.8 to 4.5. Several things can cause it to be thrown off, making your body an invitation for BV: Your period: Blood has a pH of 7.4, so menstruation temporarily elevates your pH levels.

What STD causes light pink discharge?

Gonorrhea, chlamydia, and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) may cause unusual discharge, including pink bleeding. These infections may not cause any symptoms at first.

Why do I get BV after my period?

What infections cause smelly discharge?

Bacterial vaginosis is an overgrowth of bacteria typically present in the vagina. It’s a common vaginal condition that can cause vaginal odor. Trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted infection, also can lead to vaginal odor. A yeast infection usually doesn’t cause vaginal odor.

What is the meaning of foul smell?

(ˌfaʊlˈsmɛlɪŋ ) adjective. having a very unpleasant smell.

What causes pink discharge and how is it treated?

Treatment. This pink discharge can be a part of the menstrual cycle or a temporary side effect of any hormonal contraception. The treatment of abnormal discharge completely depends upon the cause. Estrogen imbalances can be treated with hormonal replacement therapy.

Is it normal to have white discharge after your period?

White discharge after your period is totally normal and is just one of the many times during your cycle that your vag is producing discharge to take care of itself. You can keep your vag very happy on the reg by:

What does light pink blood mean after period?

Your blood may appear pink in color at the beginning or end of your period, especially if you’re spotting. This lighter shade usually means that the blood has mixed with your cervical fluid. Sometimes pink menstrual blood may indicate low estrogen levels in the body.

Why do I have spotting but not period?

Birth control. Hormonal birth control pills,patches,injections,rings,and implants can all cause spotting between periods.

  • Ovulation. About 3 percent of women experience spotting related to ovulation.
  • Implantation bleeding.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Perimenopause.
  • Trauma.
  • Uterine or cervical polyps.
  • Sexually transmitted infection.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • Fibroids.