Why does the bottom of my belly button hurt when I move?

Why does the bottom of my belly button hurt when I move?

There are many reasons a person can experience bellybutton pain. Some causes can be minor, including indigestion, constipation, and pregnancy. Others may be more serious, such as gallstones, appendicitis, or pancreatitis. Bellybutton pain can range in severity from mild to sharp.

What does it mean when you hurt in your belly button?

The pain might feel from sharp to dull. It may also be constant, or it may come and go. Some of the potential causes of pain in and around the belly button include appendicitis , Crohn’s disease , gallstones, hernia , infection, pancreatitis , pregnancy, or urinary tract infection.

What does it mean if your belly button hurts when you stretch?

If you feel a sharp pain near your belly button that gets worse when you stretch or cough, you might have a hernia. A bulge near the belly button is the most common symptom. You may also experience pain in the area near your groin.

Can you pull a muscle near your belly button?

Location. Abdominal muscle strains can happen in various locations and include any of the abdominal wall muscles. Abdominal hernias normally occur at specific sites, most commonly in the groin region, the belly button or around previous surgical incisions or other abdominal wounds.

What organ is under belly button?

The pancreas is a long, thin organ located behind the stomach, in the upper left side of the abdomen. It produces enzymes to aid in digestion. If the pancreas becomes inflamed, the condition is known as pancreatitis.

Is it a hernia or muscle strain?

Hernias cause a lump or bulge at the hernia site, which may ache or burn. A hernia can also cause constipation or nausea and vomiting (abdominal strains don’t cause these problems). A hernia won’t go away without treatment, but an abdominal muscle strain gets better with rest.

What organ is behind belly button?

Periumbilical pain is a type of abdominal pain that is localized in the region around or behind your belly button. This part of your abdomen is referred to as the umbilical region. It contains parts of your stomach, small and large intestine, and your pancreas.

Why does my belly button hurt?

There are many reasons someone may experience bellybutton pain. Some causes are simple, resolvable stomach issues, while others are serious, potentially fatal conditions. Anyone experiencing bellybutton pain, or periumbilical pain, should talk with their doctor to determine the cause.

Can constipation cause Bellybutton pain?

Constipation can cause bellybutton pain, but it is not typically a serious condition. Sex and gender exist on spectrums. This article will use the terms “male,” “female,” or both to refer to sex assigned at birth. Click here to learn more. Bellybutton pain can range in intensity and location.

What are the symptoms of a bulge near the belly button?

A bulge near the belly button is the most common symptom. You may also experience pain in the area near your groin. Hernias are caused by increased pressure near the belly button, and part of the intestine or fatty tissue then bulges out. Hernias should be treated surgically.

Is it normal to have pain in your belly button during pregnancy?

Mild bellybutton pain is typically not a cause for concern. However, people who are experiencing any significant and ongoing discomfort or pain should report it to a doctor. An umbilical hernia could be a cause of bellybutton pain. This may occur during pregnancy due to changes in abdominal muscles.