Why are my toenails becoming deformed?
A deformed toenail is often caused by injury to the nail, shoe pressure or pressure against an adjacent toe that has bent, contracted or rotated. A thick, deformed toenail often needs to be permanently removed. This is a simple office procedure that can be done on your initial visit.
Can you have thick toenails without fungus?
It is natural for toenails to get thicker with age, but thick toenails may be caused by other factors, including fungal infections, autoimmune conditions, or mechanical stresses, such as from poorly fitting shoes.
What causes thick toenails besides fungus?
Although there are many potential causes of thick nails, a fungal infection is the most likely cause in the toenails. Other conditions, such as psoriasis or diabetes, may also cause thick nails to develop. The exact cause of thick nails will help decide a person’s treatment to correct the condition.
Why are my toenails curving down?
An ingrown toenail is a foot condition that develops when the corner of the toenail grows down into the skin. It usually affects the big toe. Ingrown toenails often happen when people cut their toenails by tapering the corner of their toenail. If the toenail curves with the shape of the toe, it can grow into your skin.
How do you get rid of deformed toenails?
Soften your nails first by applying urea cream (Aluvea, Keralac) and wrapping your feet in bandages at night. Then, wash off the urea cream, and use a nail clipper and nail file to trim your nails. Apply an over-the-counter fungal treatment after you gently file your nails. Apply Vicks VapoRub on your toenail each day.
How do you get rid of curved toenails?
Use a toenail clipper (not a fingernail clipper). If your toenails are especially thick, try a spring-handled tool called a toenail nipper. Cut your toenails across, going with the curve of the toe (see illustration); don’t round the corners down as you might a fingernail (see inset). And don’t cut toenails too short.
What is the best cure for thick toenails?
Applying a small amount of melted coconut oil can help heal thick yellow toenails. You can purchase over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal nail creams and ointments. Be sure to clip and clean your nails before use to make sure the creams reach deeper layers. Laser therapy can be used to treat a fungal toenail infection.
What does a pincer toenail look like?
If you notice that your toenails have a curled appearance or that the lateral edges seem to slope inward toward one another as the free edge grows, you may have what’s known as a pincer nail.
Why did my toenail grow back weird?
If there’s a problem with the toe, the nail growing cells have been partially damaged, or something like a fungal nail infection or other problem is present, then the nail may grow back distorted.
Can pincer toenails be fixed?
There is no standard treatment for pincer nail. Several treatment methods, including conservative approaches and surgical methods, are used. Surgical therapy can produce a satisfactory result in cases with severe deformity; however, that invasive approach may cause severe discomfort.
What is pincer nail deformity?
Pincer nail deformity is characterized by excessive curvature and distortion of the nail in the transverse dimension, and particularly at the distal part of the nail plate. This deformity leads to pinching off and loss of soft tissue in the affected digit, causing severe pain.
What is a Onychauxis?
Onychauxis is the medical term for an overgrowth or thickening of the nail which can become discoloured turning white, yellow, red or black.
What causes deformed toenails and how to treat them?
Fungal infection is a strong contender for many cases of deformed toenails. This type of infection is typically easy to spot because it causes the toenails to become thick or flaky, and yellow, brown, or black in color.
What happens if you have toenail fungus?
If you have toenail fungus, one or more of your toenails may become: Ingrown toenails are one of the most common and most painful toenail problems. It occurs when the corner or side of your toenail grows into the flesh. If you have an ingrown toenail, you may experience:
Can psoriasis cause deformed toenails?
Although psoriasis is prevalent, it may not be the reason for your deformed toenails. Fungal infection is a strong contender for many cases of deformed toenails. This type of infection is typically easy to spot because it causes the toenails to become thick or flaky, and yellow, brown, or black in color.
Should I cut my deformed toenails?
If your nail deformity is becoming too much to bear and you must cut it, follow these tips: Follow the natural curvature of the toenail when cutting it. Do not cut down the side of the nail. Use surgical-quality nail clippers. Don’t use the same trimmer or nail file on healthy nails and infected nails.