Who was Old Peculier?

Who was Old Peculier?

Verigan Antioch II
Verigan Antioch II, formerly known as Old Peculier, and now commonly known by the pseudonym Knight Peculier is the son of Karpath Antioch.

When was Old Peculier first introduced?

An independent family brewery, founded in the North Yorkshire market town of Masham in 1827, Theakston’s first produced Old Peculier in the 1890s. The name refers to the time in the Middle Ages when the town was a “peculier” – a parish that sat outside the jurisdiction of a bishop.

How did Black Sheep beer get its name?

Theakston wanted to use the Lightfoot name to bring back an old brewing tradition, but Scottish and Newcastle had already trademarked the name. The association of Masham with sheep led Theakston to come up with the name “Sheep Brewery” which rapidly became “Black Sheep” at his wife’s suggestion.

Why is Masham called Masham?

Masham is a delightful market town on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales, standing on the River Ure within the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The town name comes from the Old English ‘Maessa’s Ham’, meaning a farm or settlement owned by Maessa.

How did the Black Sheep Brewery get its name?

Paul Theakston was the architect, and with his family, his staff and his flock of shareholders backing him, he created what has become one of the most well-known brewers in the United Kingdom. As our name suggests, we are Black Sheep. We behave differently and are not afraid to follow what we believe in.

How did Black Sheep start?

The term originated from the occasional black sheep which are born into a flock of white sheep. Black wool was considered commercially undesirable because it could not be dyed. In 18th and 19th century England, the black color of the sheep was seen as the mark of the devil.

How many calories are in 500ml of Old Peculier?

Energy: 260 calories

Protein 0g
Carbs 25.5g
Fat 0g

What is the peculiar of Masham?

In the medieval period, the Masham estate was granted to York Minster. The Archbishop of York made Masham a ‘peculiar’, that is, it was administered outside the normal structure of government. The town had its own ecclesiastical court and local administration.