Where is liver plate located?

Where is liver plate located?

The hilar plate is located in the hilar area of the liver. It is bounded above by S4a (the inferior part of the medial segment), on the right by the Rouviere sulcus (a landmark demarcating the division between S6 and S5) and the cystic plate, and on the left it is continuous with the umbilical plate.

How is the liver arranged?

The liver is organized into lobules which take the shape of polygonal prisms. Each lobule is typically hexagonal in cross section and is centered on a branch of the hepatic vein (called, logically enough, the central vein). Within each lobule, hepatocytes are arranged into hepatic cords separated by adjacent sinusoids.

What are spaces located between liver plates?

Hepatic cords or plates comprise columns of hepatocytes extending from the portal region to central vein. The spaces between the plates contain the liver sinusoids, or “capillaries” of the liver.

What is segment 4 of the liver?

Radiologically, segment 4 is identified as being between the middle hepatic vein (MHV) and the origin of left hepatic vein (4a) superiorly or the umbilical fissure (4b) inferiorly.

What is Segment 5 of the liver?

segment 5 (V) is located below the portal plane between the middle and right hepatic veins. segment 6 (VI) is located below the portal plane to the right of the right hepatic vein. segment 7 (VII) is located above the portal plane to the right of the right hepatic vein.

What happens in Zone 3 of liver?

zone III cells are more important for glycolysis, lipogenesis and cytochrome P-450-based drug detoxification. This specialization is reflected histologically; the detoxifying zone III cells have the highest concentration of CYP2E1 and thus are most sensitive to NAPQI production in acetaminophen toxicity.

What is portal triad in liver?

The portal triad contains the extrahepatic segments of the portal vein, hepatic artery, and bile ducts. Injury to the portal triad is uncommon but is one of the most difficult to manage traumatic injuries associated with high morbidity and mortality.

Where is the portal triad located?

liver lobules
Portal areas (also called portal triads or portal canals) are located at the corners of liver lobules. Portal areas are normally surrounded by much larger areas packed with hepatic cords and sinusoids.

Where is Segment 5 of the liver?

segment 5 (V) is located below the portal plane between the middle and right hepatic veins. segment 6 (VI) is located below the portal plane to the right of the right hepatic vein.

Where is Segment 3 of the liver?

left lateral inferior
The four segments of left liver are: I (caudate); II (left lateral superior); III (left lateral inferior); and IV (left medial) [subdivided into superior (IVa) and inferior parts (IVb) by Bismuth].

Where is Segment 6 in the liver?

segment 6 (VI) is located below the portal plane to the right of the right hepatic vein.

Where is segment 4 in the liver?

What is hepatic triad?

por·tal tri·ad. branches of the portal vein, hepatic artery, and the biliary ducts bound together in the perivascular fibrous capsule or portal tract as they ramify within the substance of the liver. Synonym(s): hepatic triad, triad (3)

Which zone of the liver is most susceptible to toxic injury?

Zone 1
Most oxygenated blood is found in the centre of the acinus around the portal triad (Zone 1). This zone is most susceptable to damage from toxins carried to the liver in the hepatic portal vein.

Where is the hepatic triad located?

liver tissue
The hepatic lobule is a building block of the liver tissue, consisting of a portal triad, hepatocytes arranged in linear cords between a capillary network, and a central vein. The structure of the liver’s functional units or lobules.

Are cholangiocytes in the gallbladder?

Thus, cholangiocytes of the intrahepatic biliary tree have a close embryological link to hepatocytes, while those lining the extrahepatic biliary tree and gallbladder have a close embryological link to epithelial cells of the pancreas and duodenum.

Where are the accessory lobes of the liver located?

There are two further ‘accessory’ lobes that arise from the right lobe, and are located on the visceral surface of liver: Caudate lobe – located on the upper aspect of the visceral surface. It lies between the inferior vena cava and a fossa produced by the ligamentum venosum (a remnant of the fetal ductus venosus).

Where do the fibres enter the liver?

These fibres enter the liver at the porta hepatis and follow the course of branches of the hepatic artery and portal vein. Glisson’s capsule, the fibrous covering of the liver, is innervated by branches of the lower intercostal nerves. Distension of the capsule results in a sharp, well localised pain.

What are the external surfaces of the liver?

The external surfaces of the liver are described by their location and adjacent structures. There are two liver surfaces – the diaphragmatic and visceral: Diaphragmatic surface – the anterosuperior surface of the liver. It is smooth and convex, fitting snugly beneath the curvature of the diaphragm.

What are the structural units of the liver?

These are the structural units of the liver. Each anatomical lobule is hexagonal-shaped and is drained by a central vein . At the periphery of the hexagon are three structures collectively known as the portal triad: Arteriole – a branch of the hepatic artery entering the liver. Venule – a branch of the hepatic portal vein entering the liver.