What is task-based approach?

What is task-based approach?

A Task-based approach. Task -based learning offers an alternative for language teachers. In a task-based lesson the teacher doesn’t pre-determine what language will be studied, the lesson is based around the completion of a central task and the language studied is determined by what happens as the students complete it.

What do you understand by task-based teaching?

Task-based language teaching (TBLT), also known as task-based instruction (TBI), focuses on the use of authentic language to complete meaningful tasks in the target language. Such tasks can include visiting a doctor, conducting an interview, or calling customer service for help.

What is a task-based activity?

A task-based activity is one in which students have to use language to achieve a specific outcome. The best TBL activities reflect real life and allow students to use whatever language they want as long as they are able to complete the task.

What is a task-based approach to teaching?

In a task-based approach, learners learn by doing. Task activities are usually rich in language, involving a wide variety of language areas, as well as all the skills; reading, writing, listening and speaking. By definition, a task must involve the processing of information, and some kind of communication or interaction.

Is the task-based approach effective for teaching English as a foreign language?

During recent years, the task-based approach has been considered an effective methodology for teaching English as a foreign language. The term “task-based” appear in most of the learning activities in the classroom. It is clear that English teachers are being more interested in the use of task-based approach for most of English skills.

What is the main stage of task based learning?

This is the main stage of task-based learning, where students start working on the task, usually in groups or pairs. This stage is done in the target language so that students feel the need to use the language they want to learn in order to solve the task. The teacher doesn’t usually join in the work process.

What are the characteristics of a task?

In both cases, a task should: – provide opportunities for students to exchange information with a focus on meaning, not a specific form or pattern/structure; – have a clear purpose: learners should know the outcome they are expected to produce when they finish performing the task.