What is shamanic breathwork?

What is shamanic breathwork?

Shamanic breathwork, known as pranayama in yogic practice is the process of controlling your breath through meditative exercise. To be aware of breathing patterns throughout the day ensures optimal health.

Is Venus rising university accredited?

Venus Rising University, which was established in 2010, is approved by the University of North Carolina to formally educate individuals for a spiritual career by offering degrees in Shamanic Psychospiritual Studies.

How do I become a breathwork practitioner?

You must attend the in-person session and complete the self-study to receive certification from Breathwork Healing. Course Structure & Duration: 50 hours of training over 6 days, with 4 hours of self-study. Best For: Learning about Circular Breathwork.

Can I do breathwork alone?

Holotropic breathwork is not appropriate for everyone and should never be performed alone. Physiological changes in the body that may occur during HB sessions such as physical tensions and changes in brain waves may negatively impact health outcomes for certain people.

What should you do after a breathwork session?

Rest, sleep and gentle activities are your best friend after a session, particularly if you’re new to breathwork. cooked meats if that’s your jam, and do you best to bring your awareness to any buffering you may be drawn to do to keep yourself from feeling. sitting quietly with my houseplants.

While honoring the ancient shamanic lineages, Shamanic Breathwork focusses on Awakening the Shaman Within. There is ample support from Shamanic Breathwork Facilitators and co-journeyers to assist during the session to enable a safe journey for the participant.

How can I continue my shamanic healing training?

You can continue you shamanic healing training by acquiring another certificate as a breathwork facilitator. As a facilitator, you can learn specific ways to use your gifts to heal others through movement, music, clearing of chakras, and creating safe spaces for sharing through art and discussion.

What is the shamanic healing initiation process?

With a certification, you can be ordained as a shamanic minister. By completing the Shamanic Healing Initiation Process (SHIP) you will discover the path toward your true self and your calling to heal others.

What is a shamanic healer?

In the Shamanic tradition of old, the healer (Shaman) attempted to restore healing and balance to others by performing sacred rites or ceremonies which usually included prayers, songs and chants. They would also journey into other realms while being assisted by power animals, spirit guides and allies.